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Key factors in attraction. Support why they are each important.

Key factors in attraction. Support why they are each important.

There are both short answer and essay questions for this take home exam. Since it is ‘take home’ style, that means you can use our text and all materials provided in our Canvas room to help you answer the questions. You will use those materials, and you should not have to use additional materials. If you do, you will need to both cite your source and provide APA references (citations and references must match and all must be in APA format). If you are using course materials you do not need to cite or create a reference page.

Know that the exam is your opportunity to show what you have learned so far (and have been a student in our course). My expectations are higher for take home than a face to face, timed, closed book exam. So do be sure to read question carefully and make sure that you are answering the question asked, all parts of question asked, and giving examples as directed which show you understand. When you think you have completed your exam, be sure to read back over the questions and your responses to make sure you have indeed answered the question.

Most students miss most points because they didn’t answer the question asked, didn’t do so completely or didn’t provide an example that showed they understood. You will use a short paragraph to answer short answer questions. For essays, probably 2 or 3 paragraphs per question.

I don’t mind if you converse with each other about the exam but obviously I expect you to do your own work.


Answer all the following questions to the best of your ability following the directions and guidelines I’ve listed above.

Short answer questions:

1. Name 3 key factors in attraction. Support why they are each important.

2. Identify 2 important contributors to masculinity according to the film The Bro Code

3. What are important criteria for determining if a popular press/mainstream source is credible?

4. Name 5 major occurrences in the late 1900’s that contributed greatly to where our culture is today sexually (eg Deep Throat showed in regular theaters in the 1970’s).


Essay Questions:

5. Explain the phenomenon of promiscuity according to one of the perspectives (biological, psychological or sociocultural). Include in your essay a definition of what constitutes promiscuity, the important elements of emphasis from your selected perspective and then examples to demonstrate your points.


6. A friend of yours is considering buying a device to enlarge and/or lengthen his penis so that he can provide more sexual satisfaction to his female partner. What would you say to your friend? Include in your response examples from today’s society that may have contributed to the idea that ‘bigger is better.’ Then describe and explain both how physiological and psychological factors involved in coitus, including changes that happen with female reproductive organs, namely the vagina and clitoris, which make your friend’s idea completely erroneous.


3. Based on the text, personal observations, and class discussions, how is our sense of gender identity and gender role acquired and reinforced? Include in your answer a definition of gender identity and gender role, give a general description of each gender role and give specific examples referring to the acquisition and reinforcement of some gender specific behaviors.


4. Discuss specific components in both building and maintaining healthy relationships. Use text material, and discussion material. Then demonstrate how healthy aspects are supported or attacked (in a sense) by culture.


5. Discuss some of the skills involved in effectively delivering and receiving criticism. Include in your response specific reference to the importance of certain communication factors that will help to make your delivery be most effective.


6. Argue for a particular perspective (or combination of perspectives—biological, psychological, sociocultural) regarding the origin of sexual orientation. Include in you answer specific reference to evidence presented in class (eg. your homework or small discussion you may have participated in) to support your answer. Also make sure that your understanding of your chosen perspective is clear.


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