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Importance of establishing safety accountability measures for managers, employees, and safety professionals,

Importance of establishing safety accountability measures for managers, employees, and safety professionals,

You were recently hired as an occupational safety and health consultant for Gemstone Fabricators, a medium-sized manufacturing facility that makes stainless steel counters, containers, and carts for the food prep and restaurant industries. Several years ago, Gemstone decided it wanted to become an Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) site. It also wants to send the application to OSHA in the upcoming year. Gemstone Fabricators expressed an interest to align with the ANSI/ASSP Z10.0-2019 and ANSI/ASSP/ISO 45001-2018 standard.In going through the application submission materials, you noticed something that threw up a red flag, however. Although there was an accountability requirement specified in front-line workers’ performance evaluation documentation for safety performance, there was no such requirement in the performance evaluation documentation for supervisors, managers, or executives. Your discussions with employees also suggest that, although the employer wants the front-line workers to be heavily involved in the safety effort, they are not always sure exactly what they are supposed to be doing to help move the company’s safety programs forward.Another issue that concerns you is that the effort to implement a safety and health management systems approach appears to be somewhat piecemeal. You are finding it difficult to identify a clear Plan-Do-Check-Act approach to continuous improvement.Please compose a two-page document for your client to include your evaluation of these deficiencies along with an explanation of the significance of these problems in relation to the safety and health management systems approach. Your goal is to help the employer understand why these issues need to be attended to prior to submitting your application. In your response, be sure to do the following things:

  • include an introduction that establishes the issues and provides necessary background information,
  • assess the importance of establishing safety accountability measures for managers, employees, and safety professionals,
  • appraise the assignment of safety-related job tasks, and
  • apply the Plan-Do-Check-Act framework to resolve a safety deficiency.

Your Scholarly Activity must be a minimum of two pages in length, and it should be in APA format. You must use a minimum of one scholarly resource


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