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How much trash each person generates on a daily basis, especially with the convenience of curb-side trash pickup.

How much trash each person generates on a daily basis, especially with the convenience of curb-side trash pickup.

GEOG 301: Bay Area Environments Fall 2021



Trash Audit Lab Due Dec. 7th by 9:30 AM

It’s easy to ignore how much trash each person generates on a daily basis, especially with the convenience of curb-side trash pickup. Throwing away a banana peel or old newspaper might not seem like much, until we see the cumulative impact of everyone’s combined trash production. By performing a personal trash audit, you will gain perspective about how everyone’s individual waste contributes to solid waste management problems. Activity Summary For this assignment, you will keep a trash log where you record everything you dispose of for three days, except for sewage well because that’s just gross. Write down in a notebook, or on your phone, what you throw away. Keep track of how you dispose of each item: garbage bin, recycling bin, compost bin, litter, other. Please be mindful and honest. Deliverable You will need to submit via TurnItIn on iLearn a paper of at least two (2) pages, 12-point font, double spaced. Your essay must be written in a proper format: introduction, methods, results, discussion, and a strong conclusion. Don’t forget to cite all your sources and include a references section. Your paper must address all of the following questions in the Discussion section:

1. What did your trash log show you? a. What kinds of waste do you generate? b. Which of your activities generate the most waste? c. Why might this be the case?

2. Extrapolate your waste production to one year. a. Think about how much domestic waste the city of San Francisco

produces in one year (864,000 people). b. Think about how much domestic waste the Bay Area produces in one

year (7 million people). 3. What’s one fairly simple change you could make to generate less waste?

a. How likely are you to make this change? Explain. 4. What’s another larger or less simple change you could make to generate even less

waste? The article & videos on iLearn can help you answer these questions. a. How would you go about implementing this change? b. How likely are you to try? Explain.



GEOG 301: Bay Area Environments Fall 2021


5. How does your consumption and waste disposal behaviors compare with those of your housemates, family members, co-workers or friends?

a. How do these people influence your consumption and waste disposal behavior?

b. How do you (or how might you) influence theirs?

Rubric I. Introduction (4 points)

• Addresses the topic & introduces your trash log (1 pt) • Motivation & background information (municipal solid waste,

recycling, Bay Area waste management, etc.) (2 pts) • Hypothesis – what are your expected results for this

experiment? (1 pt) II. Methods (2 points)

• Describe in detail the steps you took to complete this lab assignment. (2 pts)

III. Results (2 points) • Describe in detail the results from your trash audit, providing a

table with all of your results would probably be a good idea. (2 pts)

IV. Discussion (6 points) • Relate your results to your hypothesis. Was your hypothesis

confirmed or rejected by your results? (1 pt) • Describe in detail your answers to questions 1 – 5 above. (5

pts) V. Conclusion (2 points)

• Readdress the overall topic & it’s importance (1 pt) • Summarize the main points of your investigation (1 pt)

VI. Mechanics (4 points) • References (1 pt) • Original work (1 pts) • Spelling, grammar & punctuation (1 pt) • Proper formatting (headers for each report section ) (1 pt)



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