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Government And Politics

Government And Politics

Good evening, scholars Hope you all had a good week. This week will contain two assignments. The first assignment will be based on the first chapter you read. Please answer the following questions in written form, The questions will form the thesis of your answers toward drilling down on other aspects of the chapter you wish to include. 1. The authors reference a particular voting group; millennials. What is the significance of focusing on this particular group? How are they characterized, what makes them unique? How do millennials view politics? What makes them so historically difference from other generations of the same age group? 2. The US is a representative democracy. In this political science assignment help define this term, and what according to the text are forms of representative democracy? 3. Describe in detail elite ruling theory, and pluralism. Which of these theories in your opinion accurately captures the expression or political power in the US? 4. John Locke’s theory underpins the US’s political philosophy. Explain in detail the fundamentals of this theory, and the role and relationship between the government and the governed. In your opinion, are you of the view that the governed are playing their role in this theory. Assignment 2. Please watch this video below, and write a one-page reaction giving justifications for your opinions.

According to O’Sullivan, (2018), as of 2012, some 7.6 billion people were living on the planet with the projections having that the population will be 9.6 billion by 2050 (O’Sullivan, 201]8). In that case, the agency developed a model that there would be three levels of population projections namely: high, medium, and low. The lowest level of projection has it that people will have to adopt effective family planning methods that will ensure that future population growth trends rely solely on one need to procreate.

As an individual, the idea is detrimental in that the most developed economies have many people who have a huge impact on their labor levels. As such I would have to struggle to sustain what I have while at the same time trying to adapt to changes. At the same time, medium population growth doesn’t promise anything. People will be living at equilibrium and the available resources will be enough to sustain a viable life {writing help, 2017). Unless otherwise, I would employ a survival instinct that would allow me to lead a sustainable life while hoping for a better future from past experiences. In essence, that means that a decline or improvement in fertility levels will make the future unpredictable.

In most cases, the high level of population growth focuses on data gotten from risen years by the UN suggests that future trends in human sociology patterns influenced by population growth giants such as Africa and Asia mean that the adoption of current thinking trends will have to change with people starting to think more of smaller families (O’Sullivan, 2018). As such, the general focus on the future would be of much more focus to me than it was before.

Clearly, one of the main issues presented in Decelerate Blue is technology. Clearly, the book shows us some of the down sides of technology. Of course, it is logically false to say “All blanks are blank” and so, for this work, you are going to be tasked at looking at multiple sides of one aspect of technology, be it hardware or software, presenting all sides as “fact” and then doing a deep analysis, using what we learned about logical fallacies to determine what is valid. It is OK if you determine neither side is valid.

The rules:

  1. Pick a topic. Pick something that has a lot of      coverage. Think big headline issues, not something local that has limited      coverage.
  2. All the sources must be dated either 2021 or 2022. We      want current information here. Even if you are using a source that gives      some history of your topic, you still need to find one that is current.      Think of it this way; a book about women’s suffrage written in 1921, one      year after it happened is going to have a lot less information and context      than a book written in 2021, 101 years afterward as there will be more      data, anecdotes and context.
  3. You must have a minimum of TWO sources per side of the      issue for a total of FOUR sources. You may use more but they must be      equal. If you feel you need a third source for one side of the issue, you      must then find another or the other side.  You may use one unique source for the introduction if      you feel it is absolutely necessary to explain the issue.
  4. Review the Everything you wanted to know about citing      tab in the vital information module BEFORE submitting this work. You are      held accountable for the information presented there. APA formatting is      explained in graphic detail there.
  5. NO DIRECT QUOTES! Paraphrase, summarize and cite your work.

6.Review the the Purdue Owl’s page on what constitutes a good paragraph (Links to an external site.) .

Introduction: 300-500 words

This is where you simply explain the topic chosen and WHY you chose it. That means you may write this section in first person. If you want to discuss social media, pick a particular kind. Write about Twitter or Facebook or Tik Tok NOT all three because the do different things and have different rules.  However, if you wanted to write about a type of app like a dating app or a gaming app, that is OK because your focus would be on the good and bad of that kind of app. However, if you just wanted to focus on Fortnite, you could. Find your focus. Focus is the key.

The perspectives: 500-750 words per side (1000-1500 words total)

In this section you will present the main points of each of your sources.  This must be in third person, written with an eye toward objectivity. Do NOT include your opinion here. You are giving each side of this issue a fair shake. Paraphrase and summarize the main points. Write to a general audience.

Analysis: 750-1000 words

Now that you’ve done all of this research apply critical thinking strategies to all the arguments presented in all the articles you have used. Point out logical fallacies. NAME the fallacy and explain why you think that fallacy was employed.

Conclusion: 300-500 words

How has evaluating these sources this way affected what you know about this issue? Have your own personal views on the issue change? If so, in what way? If not, why not?  If so, has your opinion about that changed?

Reference Page: Proper APA Format


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