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Who are the other groups of or powerful people that might contest the legitimacy of the claim to the constitutionality of the old Hawaiian kingdom?

Who are the other groups of or powerful people that might contest the legitimacy of the claim to the constitutionality of the old Hawaiian kingdom?



Get the basic facts. Go to the following references, for current events, but make sure to realize that there are many differing viewpoints and especially among the Hawaiians, no clear mandate on who controls the reigns in the sovereignty movement. The IPOC ideologies have reduced the complex issues to an oppressor/victimization = angry social justice formula, rewriting the old Communist revolution into an anti-colonial rhetoric that is blatantly racist. Whites’ aka “the West” aka (Christians and Jews) aka capitalists; stole our land, destroyed our culture etc.

This issue of Federal Government expansion of power verses States Rights, Individual civil rights and social control is the biggest sovereignty issue of our generation.


Go to the following sites:



Question 1: Go here and summarize the key points of this group. Mandate Free Hawaii – Help Us Fight to Keep Hawaii Mandate Free! Write down the questions that come to mind. Perhaps things like: What do you think of the process? Who are the other groups that are claiming the right to represent the Hawaiians in their move toward more autonomy? Who are the other groups of or powerful people that might contest the legitimacy of the claim to the constitutionality of the old Hawaiian kingdom? Is this ever going to happen? Is there a middle ground in the process like a compact of Association? Will it result in violence?

Upload this assignment with pictures. See below for two widely divergent viewpoints.


Question 2: In the beginning of 2015-2019 the protests went global as the Hawaiians defended their sovereignty in a symbolic standoff of traditional values and modern science. (One of the results of this was a multimillion-dollar delay, several court cases, and diversion of the science to Chile, and a takeover by the Chinese in the astrophysics realm.) Also, it was great advanced press for Jason Mamoa a real Hollywood Aquaman to show up just before the release of his movie release as superhero role playing gig. You can look up similar roles for Polynesian heroes with Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock. Moana and Maui and other roles. Comment on where people are getting their political views in our modern times, and whether we ever really got over our demigod “Hercules” Alpha Male” worship as a human race.








Question 1: What do you see as the function of the politics of race and gender in the USA ?

Question 2: what was the last country to join the UN and its date?

Question 3: Is AI a global potential or existing government? a sovereignty threat (individual or national?) Research real situations or conspiracy theories and sci-fi options and provide your best example.

Question 4: comment on politics in films as propaganda.

Question 5: Name the volcano in Montserrat BWI

Question 6: How many members of the UN recognize a sovereign Palestine.


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