EDUC 530
Note: Please delete the italicized directives as you complete your plans.
Name: Grade Level: Date:
Lesson Goals |
Central Focus of Lesson:
What is the big idea or focus question of the lesson?
Standard(s) Addressed: What VA SOLs and Common Core standards will be addressed during the lesson? (List number and text)
Lesson Objectives and Demands |
Content Objectives:
What will the students know and be able to do by the end of the lesson? (use observable language with measurable verbs)
Language Objectives: What language will students be expected to utilize when illustrating their understanding?
Key Vocabulary in Lesson:
Lesson Considerations |
Prior Academic Learning and Prerequisite Skills: List the prior knowledge that students will need to use and build upon to be successful in this lesson
Misconceptions: Identify common misconceptions regarding the concepts addressed in this lesson
Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including instructional strategies, learning tasks, key questions, key transitions, student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could understand them well enough to use them. Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Include a few key time guidelines. Note: The italicized statements and scaffolding questions are meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address each one in your plan. Delete them before typing your lesson outline.
Lesson Introduction – “Before”: Setting the stage, activate and build background knowledge, introduce and explain
How will you set a purpose and help students learn why today’s lesson is important to them as readers/writers/learners?
How will you pique interest and/or curiosity regarding today’s topic?
How will you activate and build on prior knowledge and experiences related to the topic?
How will you introduce and explain this strategy/skill so that students will understand the how and why?
Learning Activities – “During”: Active engagement in meaning making, explicit instruction, and practice (you should be checking for understanding throughout the lesson)
How will you engage students in active meaning making of key concepts and ideas?
How will you model this strategy/skill for your students (exemplars and/or demonstrations)?
How will you provide opportunities for guided practice?
How will students independently practice using the strategy and the skill it targets?
What planned supports will you use for the whole class, individuals, and/or students with specific learning needs?
Closure – “After”: Restate teaching point, clarify key points, extend ideas, check for understanding
How will students share or show what they have learned in this lesson?
How will you restate the teaching point and clarify key concepts?
How will you engage students in reflection on how the strategies/skills learned today can be used as readers/writers/learners?
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and check for understanding?
Extension: How could you extend this lesson if time permits?
What specific extension activity might the students do to continue practicing and building meaning?
NOTE: Attach any Relevant handouts, activities, templates, PPT slides, etc. that are referenced and utilized in this lesson.
Lesson Plan Appendix and Commentary Section
[Note: Complete the Sections Below Indicated by your Course Instructor]
Evidence and Formative Assessment of Student Learning: How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goal(s) and/or how will you assess the extent to which they have met your goal(s)? Use the chart below to describe and justify at least 2 formal or informal assessment strategies that occur in your detailed plan above. | |
Assessment Strategy #1:
Describe assessment strategy here.
Alignment with Objectives:
Describe how this assessment is aligned to your stated objectives. Which objective(s) is it assessing?
Evidence of Student Understanding:
Describe how this assessment strategy provides evidence of student understanding of the concepts being taught.
Student Feedback:
Describe how you will provide feedback to students on this assessment. |
Assessment Strategy #2:
Describe assessment strategy here.
Alignment with Objectives:
Describe how this assessment is aligned to your stated objectives. Which objective(s) is it assessing?
Evidence of Student Understanding:
Describe how this assessment strategy provides evidence of student understanding of the concepts being taught.
Student Feedback:
Describe how you will provide feedback to students on this assessment. |
Utilizing Knowledge about Students to Plan and Implement Effective Instruction |
Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets: Explain how your plans linked student’s prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets to new learning
Grouping Strategies:
Describe how and why students will be divided into groups, if applicable (random, ability, interest, social purposes, etc.).
Planned Supports:
Describe the instructional supports during your lesson that address diverse learning needs in order for all students to successfully meet lesson objectives. This can include possible accommodations and differentiation strategies.
Supporting Literacy Development |
Essential Literacy Strategies: Identify a strategy used to help students comprehend vocabulary and other mathematical terms within this lesson
Technology |
Explain how the teacher and how the students will use technology
Acknowledgements |
Sources: If ideas in this lesson were based on work from others, acknowledge your sources here