Chapter 14 Homework
1. Endothermic metabolisms typically are _____.
a. heterothermic
b. bradymetabolic
c. tachymetabolic
d. inertial
2. All living bipeds are _____.
a. endotherms
b. ectotherms
c. heliotherms
d. poikilotherms
3. Most dinosaurs have relatively high estimated blood pressures; a notable exception is _____.
a. Triceratops
b. Apatosaurus
c. Tyrannosaurus
d. Iguanodon
4. All birds are _____.
a. ectotherms
b. heliotherms
c. endotherms
d. inertial homeotherms
5. Because of the surface-area-to-volume relationship, a larger dinosaur had _____ surface area than a smaller dinosaur.
a. relatively more
b. relatively less
c. relatively the same
d. none of the above
6. True or False–Ectothermy is an inferior type of metabolism.
7. True or False– The possibility of migration supports the case for dinosaur endothermy.
8. True or False– Complex social behaviors are characteristic of many endotherms and uncommon among ectotherms.
Key Terms: While reading Chapter 14, define the following terms.
9. Alveolar lung
10. Blood pressure
11. Bone microstructure
12. Brain complexity
13. Cold-blooded
14. Compact bone
15. Ectothermic
16. Endothermic
17. “Food Processor”
18. Four-chambered heart
19. Gigantotherm
20. Heterotherm
21. Homeotherm
22. Hot-blooded
23. Metabolism
24. “Polar night”
25. Respiratory turbinate
26. Warm-blooded
Short Answer
27. What are some common misconceptions about ectotherms, and why are they wrong?
28. Which of the 13 lines of evidence presents the most convincing evidence for endothermic dinosaurs? Which presents the weakest?
29. Explain the surface-area-to-volume relationship and its bearing on dinosaur metabolism.
30. What type(s) of metabolism did dinosaurs have? Defend your answer.