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Does it even matter if humans are connected to nature or our roots as pre-conscious “animals” when biology ruled us instead of society?

Does it even matter if humans are connected to nature or our roots as pre-conscious “animals” when biology ruled us instead of society?

Nature Unit Essay

60 Points

800-1000 Words



Prompt: Engaging with at least two of the works we read in this unit, create an original argument about humankind’s relationship to the natural world.


Note: This should engage skills similar to those used in a synthesis essay.





· For this essay, “engaging with” can mean directly responding to, quoting, or otherwise deliberately and obviously using the sources as part of your argument (you can agree, disagree, or whatever).

· Be sure to cite using the author’s name and the piece title in your lead up to any quotes; no need for page #’s since the text is just our own reading packet.

· This essay does not require a “multi-paragraph” essay structure where each paragraph functions as a parallel, equal contribution to the overall thesis.

· You may organize organically or creatively – different paragraphs will serve different functions.

· You do not need quoted evidence in each paragraph, nor do you even need to analyze the arguments the other authors make.

· Personal opinion, personal evidence, and the resultant personal pronouns are entirely acceptable; however, stronger essays will engage with the topic mostly on a broader level than your own limited vantage point.


Some questions to consider as you begin:

· Are humans still subject to the laws of nature or the natural world?

· Does it even matter if humans are connected to nature or our roots as pre-conscious “animals” when biology ruled us instead of society?

· Is the survival of humanity connected to the preservation of the natural world?

· Is the happiness of humanity connected to the preservation of the natural world?

· How much of human behavior can be attributed to “natural” causes?


Tips for approach:

· Find solitude. Go for a walk outside. As you walk, what do you experience? What’s your relationship to your surroundings? Write as soon as you get home.

· Establish an argument. Either this can be a philosophy that is inspired by or in direct response to your assigned readings.



Your essay will be graded holistically but you will receive subscores on the following criteria:


Goal Needs Improvement Fair Very Good Excellent
Controvertible Stance (Thesis, argument present)        
Engagement with Prompt        
Argumentative Rigor (Reasoning)        
Voice / Creativity        
Functional Organization        
Small Skills (conventions, etc.)        





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