· Write a research paper. Discuss the following statement/questions:
· Introduce the research issue and the related IS topic. Make sure the topic is related to an IS topic.
· Present background of your topic. Why is this issue important to you? How do you intent to approach this paper? (Note: this is from the proposal)
· What are the pros? What are the cons? Why/How they come about?
· What are implications/impacts to society/business? To you?
· Describe experience of the local organization or the individual pertaining to the issue on hand. This must be an interview that you will do, not from 3rd party.
· How does this relate to an IS topic from class/textbook?
· State your opinion on the matter and why. What do you foresee in the future of this issue/topic?
· Any other relevant issues.
· Conclusion.
Research academic papers (80%) and industry articles/reports (20%) on the subject matter.
Reference at minimum 10 sources in your paper’s bibliography.
Find a local organization or an IS expert that may have experience with your issue. Prepare some relevant questions and conduct an interview with the said individual/s.
Your writing must be 12 point
Times New Roman
font single-space with
minimum of five pages
outlining the above issues. Your paper must be well-organized and well-written (Use subtitles to guide the reader for different sections and for ease of grading). Writing should follow standard writing practice (MLA or APA). Diagrams, tables, and figures are encouraged but need to be in the appendix, not within the five pages. No sloppy work will be accepted. For writing resources,