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What are some advantages and disadvantages of a Dutch Hip Roof style?

What are some advantages and disadvantages of a Dutch Hip Roof style?

Math Week 3DQR

Brandon Bliss

Hello Class,

For this week I chose question number 25. What are some advantages and disadvantages of a Dutch Hip Roof style?  A Dutch hip roof, sometimes called a Dutch gable roof, is a combination of hip and gable roof styles in which a gable is located at the end of the ridge, and at the top of a hip roof plane. There are many Advantages to having a hip roof. Some advantages are…


· The four-way slope makes it much more stable than other roofing types and allows water and snow to run off with ease. There is also more ventilation and space for an attic.

· A lot more attic space, plus better attic ventilation.

· Great heavy wind performance.

· Provides ideal protection from severe weather like snow, rain, and high winds.

Some of the Disadvantages are…

· Hip roofs are more complex than flat or gable roofs, making the odds of failure a bit higher.

· More expensive because it is a more complex design that requires more building materials including a complex system of trusses or rafters.

· Provide fewer opportunities to use natural light.




Jaya Drewelow


Gable roofs have been used for centuries, there are now six different versions of it. They can be used more than once on a roof depending on the size of the house, one will consist of two sections with an arch meeting by the narrow top- looking like the letter A. The best material to use for this roof would be something that has good resistance weather, such as asphalt but metal sheets, clay tiles, and concrete can be used.  A good reason why gable roofs are so common is because they are cheaper to build. However, in areas that are prone to hurricanes and high winds, houses and buildings tend to have little to no luck on keeping something over their head with these roofs even if asphalt is used. This is possible because of how the structure is created. Due to the narrow rooftops that gable roofs are shaped into, the upper part is more likely to catch the wind rather than a flat rooftop would. It unfortunately catches the wind by the “cupped” portion that the two sections create, right under the pin point. When the wind gets stuck into the upper area of the roof, it can build pressure against the roof and pop it off. They have also been known to act similar to a wing on a sailboat when wind catches onto it, which is not something anyone would want for a stable structure.

If you would like to read more about gable roofs and visually understand what cupped means, please click on the link below to read the article and view the image.

What are Gable Roofs? (




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