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What are the main differences between the organization of medieval and modern authority in the international state system?

What are the main differences between the organization of medieval and modern authority in the international state system?




SPRING 2022 – Midterm Exam

Release date: APRIL 21, THURSDAY at 11AM

Due date on Canvas: APRIL 26, TUESDAY at 11 AM



Please write all your answers in a separate word processing document. Please submit all your answers in one word (.doc or .docx) or pdf (.pdf) document on Canvas and please put your name in that document and number your pages. The answers will be automatically checked through Turnitin for originality.


Do not copy the actual questions into your answer document before your answers, but make sure to indicate which questions you are answering.


Read the questions carefully and address all the parts of the questions you choose to answer.


Draw your answers from the information in the readings/class notes/videos when applicable.


If you are referring to a syllabus reading (other than the textbook), make sure to include the name of the author(s) in your answer in parentheses, but you do not need a specific citation format.


You do not need to cite the specific video lectures (either the live session or the recorded lectures) if you are referring to them in your answer.


You do not need a bibliography at the end of your answers if you are referring to the textbook, the other syllabus readings, or the video lectures.


You are not required to use sources outside the syllabus. You are strongly recommended to use only the sources from the class (lectures/videos and the readings and everything available in Canvas for the class)

If you end up using outside sources (such as some websites), make sure to cite them in your answers. If you use outside sources, please list the full source at the end of your answer.

Do not copy from those sources word by word.

For Question 1, you will choose two options to answer from A, B, C and D. (longer question)

(30 points each * 2 = 60 points)

For Question 2, everyone is asked to answer the question. (shorter question)

(16 points)

In total, everyone will submit 2 longer answers + 1 shorter answer.

(60 + 16 = 76 points)


The written part of the exam (Question 1 + Question 2) is worth 76 points.

(The remaining 24 points come from the multiple choice/true or false part of the exam, which is to be submitted separately on Canvas.)

76+ 24 = 100 points

(In total, the midterm exam is graded out of 100 and is worth 25% point of your overall course grade.)





For this question, please write an approximately 1.5 (maximum 2) pages double-spaced, 12 font for each of your two answers. You can go slightly over the suggested page length. Make sure to answer all parts in the questions you choose to answer. They are indicated in different colors for clarity. You do not need to use colors in your answer document.

30 points for each question * 2 = 60 points

1A) This question concerns differences between realists and liberals in international relations in terms of their prospects for cooperation and conflict.

Realists are pessimistic about human progress and cooperation beyond the boundaries of the nation-state. What are the reasons given for that? Are these reasons convincing or not? Illustrate with an example. Be specific about different strands of realism in your answer (classical, neorealism, etc. …) (15 points)

On the other hand, liberals are optimistic about human progresscooperation, and peace. What are the reasons given for that optimism? Are these reasons convincing or not? Illustrate with an example. Be specific about some of the different strands of liberalism in your answer. (15 points)


1B) Under which specific strand of which broad theoretical framework did we cover the “Democratic Peace” argument? (8 points) Explain the causal mechanisms (at least three) behind the democratic peace theory in detail. (14 points) Is it guaranteed for the future that there will be a global pacific union? Why or why not? (8 points) Please make sure to refer to the book and the video lecture and our live session.


1C) Think of a recent international development between two or more states or an international organization– briefly summarize it (6 points). Then choose one of the two main international relations theories we covered. Explain the real-life international event from the perspective of one of the two theories we covered, using the concepts in that theory. (20 points). Why do you use that theory/framework to explain this case? Make sure to justify that in your answer. (4 points) You can use a case that was referred to in recorded lectures/live sessions or your discussion sections.


1D) This question concerns realism. Why is Thucydides such an important scholar for realism? (6 points) How should the rulers be like according to Machiavelli? (4 points) Why do classical realists, such as Machiavelli and Morgenthau, draw a firm distinction between political ethics and private morality? (6 points) What are the six principles of “political realism”? Make sure to mention the author’s name who coined this term (6 points) And finally how does neorealism differ from these classical realists? In neorealism (structural realism), how and why does the international structure impact international outcomes? (8 points)


Please answer the following question in about two paragraphs – at most 1 page – double spaced. (16 points)


· What are the main differences between the organization of medieval and modern authority in the international state system? Why are the Treaties of Westphalia so important in international relations? Explain using important relevant concepts. Make sure to mention when it was signed and what it brought, and why it is important for the study of international relations.


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