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How do you think writing will be used in your major and in your career?

How do you think writing will be used in your major and in your career?

Unit 8 DB: Reflecting on Writing

Unit 8 DB: Reflecting on Writing

We have done a lot of writing in this class! You have crafted a descriptive paragraph, worked on a paragraph response to an article, created your own pro/con of an issue, and finally drafted an argument essay. Now, you will reflect a bit on the whole process and how you think you will use writing in the future.

Initial Post:

In the introduction discussion from Unit 1, you were asked about your feelings regarding writing coming into the class. Let’s review how you feel now about your progress with writing this term.

In your initial post, answer these questions:

· How have those feelings changed or evolved as you complete this course?

· How do you think writing will be used in your major and in your career?

· Finally, what questions about writing do you still have?

Responses: In response to your classmates, consider how your feelings about writing support or contradict their feelings. What advice can you offer them about their own writing and any questions they may have about it?



Hello everyone, I am glad to be part of this class. I set it as one of my objectives of the year so it will be good going through the course work to the end of the class. I would like to develop and have refined analytical and critical writing skills. This means I should remain focused on the writing process. Time management will be critical to capture the course content. This will be achieved by planning my classwork well. This will help stay organized throughout the class. It will help me maintain a clear goal of what I want to achieve. Prioritization and decision-making will be important because I have to make hard decisions on how I spend my time. Allocating enough time in my classwork will be key to prosperity. Setting boundaries will help me determine how I treat the time I have. Time is precious and utilizing it well in learning the course work will make me understand the class content. Having a schedule of tasks and sticking to it will help me finish all the assignments in good time. This will help me avoid procrastination which is detrimental to my learning process.

Standing in the middle of the audience, I saw the sports director carrying a silver trophy approaching me. The sound around me was incredible. Everyone was congratulating me for being the best athlete in the district. It was a bright day with the sun sinning, I had waited for this moment. This win gave me confidence and I promised myself to work hard to in the next summer Olympic games.




Final Discussion: Course Reflection

Final Discussion: Course Reflection

After having the opportunity to complete the course, what would you change and why?  What topic particularly caught your interest and what do you want to know more about?  Last, but not least, if you could share with the next class one piece of advice about this class, what would it be?  Please note that this pertains to the class, the materials, flow/organization, etc.

Thank you and good luck on your educational journey!


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