AFRS 1501 – Final Exam Final Exam Instructions For the final exam, students will generate a response. This final exam response asks students to think critically about the course reading material to make deliberate decisions when selecting course chapters. The goal is to develop a 3 paragraph response using two chapters to explain how the theme manifests and its significance. Avoid summary (“telling” what happens in the chapter) and strive for analysis (what does the historical moment reveal about your chosen theme?). Take the time to carefully select chapters, develop sound ideas, and carefully proofread before submitting.
1. Select 1 of the chosen themes below. Find an online dictionary definition to use in the Introduction.
a. Courage b. Violence c. Resistance d. Community e. Geography f. Identity (group) g. Freedom h. Struggle i. Heritage
2. Next, select 2 chapters from the course readings to use as evidence to support your
analysis. (Return to the course schedule for links to course readings)
a. Once you identify 2 chapters from the course readings, stop to make sure there are two examples of your chosen theme to use as evidence to support your ideas.
3. Introductory paragraph a. In the opening paragraph, work to name and define the theme.
i. Why is this theme important? ii. What role does this theme play in African American History?
4. Paragraph 2
a. Choose 2nd chapter reading b. In this paragraph, use 2 examples (quotes) from the chapter to explain how the
theme functions in this chapter.
i. What is the connection of the theme to a specific event in the chapter? Explain the connection and its importance.
ii. Do not explain what happens in the chapter, but rather, why it is important.
5. Paragraph 3
a. Choose 2nd chapter reading b. In this paragraph, use 2 examples (quotes) from the chapter to explain how the
theme functions in this chapter.
i. What is the connection of the theme to a specific event in the chapter? Explain the connection and its importance.
ii. Do not explain what happens in the chapter, but rather, why it is important.
Final Exam Grading Rubric
300 – This grade reflects the student’s ability to complete the assignment based on the requirements above ❏ A specific theme is identified ❏ 3 body paragraphs ❏ 2 chapters covered ❏ Analysis, not summary
200 – This grade reflects the student’s ability to complete the assignment based on the requirements above ❏ A specific theme is identified ❏ 2 body paragraphs ❏ 2 chapters covered ❏ Analysis, not summary
100 – This grade reflects the student’s ability to complete the assignment based on the requirements above ❏ A specific theme is identified ❏ 2 body paragraphs ❏ 1-2 chapters covered ❏ Summary
❏ It also reflects the students ability to synthesize and analyze the course content. 50 – This grade reflects a minimal effort. ❏ A specific theme may be identified ❏ 1 body paragraph ❏ Summary, not analysis.
0 – No attempt was made to submit Final Exam response.
Due Date: Thursday, December 10th by 11:59 pm