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How would you prepare for a heat-related emergency? What do you think would be the most important step in your preparations? Why?

How would you prepare for a heat-related emergency? What do you think would be the most important step in your preparations? Why?

200 words each

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Unit II Journal

Fires can be terrifying events. Has there ever been a fire in your community? If so, what was the experience like for you? What impact did this fire have on your community? If not, think of a fire you observed through the media or news. What do you think it would be like to be a member of that community?


Unit III Journal

Have you ever prepared for a possible hurricane? If so, reflect on this experience. What efforts did you take, and did you feel you did enough to prepare? If not, reflect on the efforts you would take if ever in that situation. How would you prepare for a hurricane?


Unit IV Journal


Flooding costs the United States billions of dollars per year in recovery efforts after storms. What is your flood risk in your home? Is this something that you worry about? Have you ever experienced a flood? If so, what were the circumstances? If not, share what you think it would be like to deal with a flood in your home.


Unit V Journal

We can see there are areas of concern with both land- and water-based tornados making an impact on daily activities. If you were an emergency manager in an area with a combination of land and water nearby, what precautions would you find most important? Why?






Unit VI Journal

Heat-related emergencies lasting an extended time can cause extreme issues for special-needs populations as well as test emergency services.

How would you prepare for a heat-related emergency? What do you think would be the most important step in your preparations? Why?


Unit VII Journal
The Ebola virus, and other infectious diseases like it, scare many in the healthcare industry. Some feel called to visit those infected areas to help with the efforts, educate the citizens, and care for the sick. If a loved one were considering taking part in these efforts, what thoughts would run through your mind? Would you be supportive, or would you try to talk him or her out of it? Would you also want to help? Explain your thinking.


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