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Assignment #2- Paper on Determinants & Preventive Interventions to Address Community Public Health Need Assignment Instructions (see Syllabus for Due Date)
For this class, Assignments #1, #2 and #3 will build upon the in-class lectures, small group work and the
evidence-based public health approach described by Brownson et al. (2009). As such, it is essential for students to attend class, participate actively, and become familiar with instructions for all three assignments. The grading rubric is below. For Assignment #2, students will write a multi-component paper that includes the following 3 sections, applying principles/ strategies reviewed in class (label paper sections with words in bold below): 1. Identify and summarize determinants of a public health problem. Students will conduct a literature search
using PubMed on one of the local public health problems identified in the community needs assessment from Assignment #1. Using an ecological framework, students will summarize determinants (both risk and protective factors) of the health problem at different levels- including: individual/ biological, interpersonal/ social, community, environmental, cultural, and policy determinants. The social determinants section must describe how structural bias, social inequities and racism influence the health problem. Specify any health disparities or inequities. Section should follow CDC Model’s Step #2 -“Identify risk and protective factors” (approximately 1 ½ pages recommended)
2. Use a systems thinking tool diagram to illustrate in a diagram the determinants of the public health problem. Students will summarize the multiple determinants of this health problem by drawing a path or causal loop diagram of the determinants, their relationship to each other, and relationship to the public health outcome. Use PowerPoint or similar software to draw diagram and show systems thinking. Briefly describe the diagram in the narrative of the paper (1-page diagram, ½ page description recommended).
3. Describe and evaluate an evidence-based prevention intervention for this community to consider in addressing the public health problem. Students will conduct a PubMed search and identify and describe an evidence based prevention intervention, specifically one that has been efficacious as tested in a randomized controlled trial – RCT. (Note- if a policy intervention is selected, an RCT is not required; however, the policy outcomes must have been evaluated using rigorous methods and presented in a peer- reviewed journal.) Students must summarize the: a) study population, b) intervention activities, c) evaluation of the main results of the RCT, d) theory or framework used by the intervention, and e) how the intervention should be adapted for implementation in the local community (include language, cultural practices and values, age, geographical location and other considerations) Section should follow CDC Model’s Step #3 -“Developing and testing interventions” (approximately 2 pages recommended)
Other, specific paper requirements: • Approximately 5 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 11 font, 1” margins paper (Note- 5 pages
limit includes text and illustration, but does not include title page or references as part of page limit.) • Paper must include sections #1-3 and address all required sections above (Please label sections and
subsections exactly as in bold above) • Paper must include: title page with Student Name, Date, Health Ed & Behavior Class, Assignment # • References section. Please use American Psychological Association or American Medical Association style.
The paper must also have in-text citations throughout the paper in the corresponding style. • Submit final papers as Microsoft Word documents via Blackboard using correct link “Assignment #2”. • Unexcused, late papers will be penalized for each hour they are late. Please stay alert to paper deadline.
Brownson, R.C., Fielding, J.E., & Maylahn, C.M. (2009). Evidence-based public health: A fundamental concept for public health practice. Annual Review of Public Health, 30, 175-201.
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Grading Rubric. Evaluation for this assignment will be based on: 1. Completeness and
following instructions (25 points), for example:
o Are the 3 paper sections specified and addressed per instructions? o Section 1.
o Is ecological model specified and explained correctly? o Are multiple determinants (risk and protective factors) specified at
different levels (individual/ biological, interpersonal/ social, community, environmental, cultural, policy, etc.)?
o Does social determinants section describe how structural bias, social inequities and racism influence the health problem?
o Are any health disparities or inequities specified? o Section 2.
o Is a diagram included that illustrates the relationships among multiple determinants (risk and protective factors) in this section using a systems thinking tool (i.e., path model, causal loop diagram)?
o Is PowerPoint or similar software used for the diagram? o Is diagram explained clearly in the written narrative of the paper?
o Section 3. o Is an evidence-based intervention described that was tested in an RCT
(or appropriately evaluated policy intervention)? o Is there a summary of the required parts of the intervention/ RCT- See
instructions sections 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, and 3e (i.e., study population, theory, results, etc.)?
o Are guidelines on word/ page limit followed? 2. Accuracy of writing
(25 points), for example:
o Are statistics recent and correct, including determinants and disparities? o Are key terms defined properly as needed, and are they correctly used (e.g.,
public health terms, determinants, causal risk and protective factors, randomized controlled trial)?
o Are key determinants and preventive interventions from the peer-reviewed literature correctly and properly described?
o Are statements accurate? 3. Critical thinking,
logic and ability to justify all statements made (25 points), for example:
o Are statements justified and supported by appropriate evidence and peer- reviewed literature?
o Is the systems thinking diagram from Section #2 logical, justified and clearly explained?
o Does Section #3 include a logical explanation about how the intervention must be adapted for the community?
o Are in-text citations provided and used correctly? o Are references included at the end of the paper, and are they sufficient to
address the paper requirements? o Are references reputable & provide evidence to support statements? o Are statements and conclusions logical, well-sequenced and well-explained?
4. Clarity of writing (25 points), for example:
o Are different sections of the paper connected and integrated? o Is the paper sequenced in logical order and well-organized? o Are paragraphs well-structured? Are transitions between paragraphs used? o Is there a proper introduction and conclusion paragraph to the paper? o Is proper grammar, punctuation, spelling used?
- Health Education & Behavior EPH 620
- Brownson, R.C., Fielding, J.E., & Maylahn, C.M. (2009). Evidence-based public health: A fundamental concept for public health practice. Annual Review of Public Health, 30, 175-201.