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Describe and explain at least two additional important pieces of information have you discovered in your research about your chosen occupation?

Describe and explain at least two additional important pieces of information have you discovered in your research about your chosen occupation?

PAS 1000 — Career Research Project

Before you can write a career research report, you need to conduct research about the career you plan to pursue. Use the following sources for information: CareerCoach, and O*Net to complete this assignment. Answer the following questions to conduct complete and meaningful research on your career.

Step 1: Complete the 60-question detailed assessment in Career Coach and review your career matches.

Step 2: Use Career Coach assessment results to explore and answer the following questions using CareerCoach and O*Net for further exploration of your chosen career.

Step 3: Use complete sentences to answer each question below. Each response should be at least a paragraph. Please include reference to your source(s) whenever possible.

Step 4: Make sure that you:

• Type your responses in a professional font and double space your work.

• Include a heading on the top left side of the first pages with the following: your name, the course name, my name and the date.

• Include a title (centered below the heading).


Choosing the right career is a very important step in your life! Take this exercise seriously! Good research here may save you a lot of unhappy hours at a job you don’t like or in a college class that you don’t need in order to attain your career goals!

1. A) What is the title of the occupation you plan to enter? And why? B) What soft skills are necessary for success in the specific occupation (critical thinking, communication, empathy, etc)? Explain why each is necessary.

2. A) What education and training will you need to begin this occupation? B) How are you planning to pay for this education and/or training (loans, grants, scholarships, cash)? What steps do you need to take to secure any/all of them? C) Name a specific private scholarship or grant for which you qualify (i.e. agency or organization offering the scholarship not the government). D) What steps do you need to take to secure this scholarship or grant?

3. What are three related occupations? And how do each of them compare to your chosen field? What are the possible fields of specialization?

4. What tasks are performed for your chosen career? What equipment or tools are used? What does a typical day look like for a person in your chosen career? Using a current job posting for your chosen occupation, describe the necessary skill levels and responsibilities?

5. A) Where is your job/career performed (hospital, government agency, school, etc.) is the work usually performed? B) What are the working conditions? Are job tasks performed indoors or outdoors? Describe the daily and weekly time schedule as well as any health hazards, travel requirements, or stressful responsibilities.) In what region are workers in this career employed (geographical location, office vs. lab, etc.)? Describe the work environment of the occupation (travel, time, etc).

6. What are the projected earnings? What is the beginning and average expected income according to geographic location? Research and explain what other, non-monetary rewards and satisfactions will (or won’t) this career provide?

7. Research and explain what are some of the things you can/will need to do in order to increase your salary (ex. write grants, obtain more experience or education, side-work, etc.)?

8. What is the outlook for employment in this career? Research and explain the trends that are likely to affect employment growth or decline for this occupation during the next ten years? What is the projected number of annual openings? What future changes are expected in your career field? What are the opportunities for professional growth in your chosen career field? Use a current job posting for your chosen career field to determine what the possibilities for advancement are (not just raises but promotions and/or leadership opportunities) and will additional education be needed? What is the timeframe to complete any additional education?

9. What are the diversity issues among those currently working within your chosen career field? What group(s), if any, typically dominates this career field? What do the statistics show?

10. Create a long-term SMART Goal for your career of choice. Describe and explain at least two additional important pieces of information have you discovered in your research about your chosen occupation? Now that you’ve conducted your research on your chosen profession, explain what do you think you may need to consider in terms of your personal goals?


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