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Discuss China’s reliance on the state as a driver of economic growth. What does it mean for the efficiency and productivity of companies receiving assistance?

Discuss China’s reliance on the state as a driver of economic growth. What does it mean for the efficiency and productivity of companies receiving assistance?

To answer each case question, you must apply the facts, concepts and theories discussed in the respective chapter. Your answers should reflect thorough understanding of the Chapters and should be detailed and substantive. A substantive answer reflects facts and information from the assigned chapters and is NOT based on personal opinion. Grading will be based on how you examine and apply the chapters’ contents.

Chapter 1 – Country Focus: India’s Software Sector

1. What factors have contributed to the growth of India’s software industry? In your opinion, is the growth a reflection of the growth of overall economy or is the growth of software sector prompting the growth of the entire economy?

2. How has India’s software industry changed in recent years? What are the implications of these changes for American companies like IBM and Microsoft?

Chapter 2 – China’s Mixed Economy

1. How can China’s political economy be characterized? How do its policies facilitate economic growth?

2. Discuss China’s reliance on the state as a driver of economic growth. What does it mean for the efficiency and productivity of companies receiving assistance?

Chapter 3 – Poland: Eastern Europe’s Economic Miracle

1. Why has Poland’s economic growth been so strong in the country’s post-Communist era?

2. What are the lessons learned from the Polish experience that could be applied to other states trying to achieve greater economic growth?

Chapter 4 – Country Focus: Turkey, Its Religion, and Politics

1. Are the concerns of those opposing Turkey’s admittance to the European Union well-founded?

2. Explain the concept of Islamic Calvinism. How has Islamic Calvinism helped the Kayseri region of Turkey?

Chapter 5 – Who Stitched Your Designer Jeans?

1. How can companies like Zara and H&M that buy readymade garments from Bangladesh ensure that their suppliers are not violating human rights?

2. Child labor is not uncommon in Bangladesh, nor is it illegal. Discuss the ethics of hiring child labor. Does your response change if the child in question is the sole earner for a family?


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