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Ask are we prepared against these agents of infection and if not what technologies and treatments do we need?

Ask are we prepared against these agents of infection and if not what technologies and treatments do we need?

Research paper 2 Biol 350



The purpose of this assignment is to apply the concepts learned in this course on cellular and molecular processes and current laboratory techniques and therapies to critically examine existing biotechnology applications that are used to make advances at the molecular level in biosciences research that are used for disease prevention or mitigation.

Assessment of Current Technologies and Treatments for Emerging Infectious Diseases: Are We Prepared? 

The purpose of this assignment is to critically examine existing biotechnology applications that are used to make advances at the molecular level in biosciences research used for disease prevention or mitigation.

Apply your knowledge of cellular and molecular processes and current laboratory techniques and therapies to effectively propose a plausible effort to mitigate the next outbreak. Emerging infectious diseases are a global public health concern. Diseases that were once endemic to other countries such as Zika virus, SARs-Co-V2, and other pathogens have now become resident agents of infection in the U.S.

Research and compare the current technologies and treatments that are currently available to detect and treat these agents. Also consider reported disease outbreaks that are currently trending not necessarily in the U.S. but abroad. Ask are we prepared against these agents of infection and if not what technologies and treatments do we need? Include three pathogens to conduct your assessment for detection capabilities and treatment- two pathogens that have caused epidemics in the U.S. and one that has caused an epidemic currently outside the U.S.

Follow the outline for the technology assessment. Use it as a checklist.

****Include the following information in your research project:****

Abstract– a short summary of the entire assessment; a snapshot.

Research Paper


1. Explain to the reader what you are going to cover in your paper

2. Include an impact statement- Why is this important?

Supporting factors-

1. Provide background information on the selected pathogens of interest

2. Include the country of origin, first reported case, first reported death, number of reported

cases, number of deaths (All three pathogens should have this information)

1. Include first reported case in the US, first reported death, number of reported cases, number of deaths

2. Provide background information on the technology or research used to the detect each pathogen

3. Include vendor (the company that makes the device or application)

4. Identify the stakeholder interested in the technology, i.e. the end-user (who’s interested in acquiring the technology/ application or research?)

5. Provide background information on the treatment or therapeutic

6. Include the vendor (the company that makes the drug or treatment)

7. bIdentify the stakeholder interested in the treatment or therapeutic, i.e. the end-user (who’s interested in acquiring and using the treatment or therapeutic?)

8. Compare and contrast the current technology/ application/treatment/therapeutic/ research. Can they be modified or if there’s nothing available what is needed? Make suggestions.

9. Make a table to include pathogens of interest and match to applicable technology/research and treatment/therapeutic/research

10. Conclusion- summary of your paper and provide your perspective

Research Paper Format Requirements-

1. 5 pages excluding references page

2. Title page

3. Minimum 20 references

4. 12 point Font

5. Single spaced


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