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Name 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to using subcontractors on a project.

Name 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to using subcontractors on a project.


CE 444 Contracts and Specifications

Exam Number 3 – FINAL EXAM

(Worth a total of 50 points in the gradebook)

May 2021


Note: No materials are allowed in the taking of this exam other than pencil/pen and paper. No textbooks, notes, or cell phones are allowed. The test is set up as a true/false, fill in the blank, short essay, or draw the diagram format. The allowed sitting time for the exam is 60 minutes. Distance students must take the test in the presence of their designated proctors.


TRUE or FALSE (circle correct answer, 1 points/question for total of 5 points)

1. T or F In negotiations, you should seek to Compromise


2. T or F Action Submittals are also known as “For Approval” submittals

3. T or F Shop Drawings may be used to modify the contract

4. T or F In communication, senders remember 70% of what they say

5. T or F In private contracting, either an owner or a contractor may terminate a contract


Fill in the Blank/Short Answer/Matching/Draw the Diagram (1 point per answer for total of 45 points)

6. Name 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to using subcontractors on a project. (4 points)




7. There are 3 types of contract warranties. Name all three and identify when they start (3 points).


8. Name 3 reasons an Owner may terminate a contract for Default/Cause (3 points)

9. Match the Dispute Resolution methods to their definitions (4 points): Arbitration Outside 3rd party; both sides must agree Mediation Court Action with Judge and Attorneys Negotiation Outside 3rd party panel; decision is legally binding Litigation Discussions between owner and contractor



10. Explain the following terms (4 points):

A. Latent Defects

B. Patent Defects

C. Statute of Repose

D. Statute of Limitations




11. Draw the Project Life Cycle and put the following types of estimates at the stage at which they are developed (Order of Magnitude, Square Foot, Systems, Unit Price). Include the expected accuracy of the estimates. (8 points)













12. Owner’s Cost = Capital Costs + Operations and Maintenance Costs Identify 3 Capital Costs and 3 O&M Costs (6 points)




13. On the following photos of construction work in progress, identify a minimum of 3 safety violations on each photo. (6 points)









14. What are impact costs? Give an example. (3 points)

15. Explain contingencies (2 points)

16. Throughout this course, I’ve tried to emphasize how you, as an engineer, can improve the design, improve costs, or improve safety on a project. Give me an example of how you can influence a project in at least one of those areas. (2 points).




17. BONUS QUESTION #1 Match the type of drawing to the best definition (5 points):


Design Drawings Also called Redlines or “Mark-ups”


Record Drawings Typically produced by a manufacturer or fabricator.

Show more detail than design drawings.


As-Built Drawings Part of the Contract Documents Depict Location, Dimension, Size, Form, Quantity, etc


Shop Drawings General in nature; used for initial estimate in cost Schematic Drawings Developed from the Redlines by the A/E

BONUS QUESTION #2: Draw the diagram which represents your ability to influence costs in relationship to the project time. (3 points)

BONUS QUESTION #3: If you only remember ONE thing from this course, what should it be? (2 points)












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