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Was your internship worth doing and would you recommend this location for a future internship placement?

Was your internship worth doing and would you recommend this location for a future internship placement?

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NVU Internship Program

Guidelines for Final Report


One of the purposes of this essay is to help you organize your thoughts about your internship experience. You need to make some kind of connection between what you’ve studied thus far, other academic areas you need to pursue, and possible career paths you might consider. Suggestions from other students are to keep a journal throughout your experience or make copies of your Bi-Weekly Reports. The idea is to help you collect your thoughts and ideas for your final report.


When you write your report consider the guidelines below. Your report should be clear and concise with the length of the report determined by you and your faculty supervisor as appropriate according to the number of credits earned. No required length just a paragraph or 2 for each Bulltet point.

· What skills have you acquired and/or improved upon as a result of your internship experience? Consider the full range of skills including technical, communicative and personal.

· What concepts that you studied in class have been made clearer since you have applied them on the job? Did you learn anything at work that contradicted what you were taught in class? What are your thoughts about this?

· Do you feel you were adequately prepared for your internship? What suggestions would you make to another student interested in your job?

· What were the highlights of your experience? The low points?

· What have you learned about yourself and your abilities through this experience?

· An organization may be defined as “a collection of interacting and interdependent individuals who work toward a common goal within structured relationships.” Internship students who are working at their first “real” job sometimes find that the expression of their individuality conflicts with how they are expected to behave within the organization. Did you experience such conflicts? If so, how did you resolve them? How do you feel about joining the ranks of the “organizational person?”

· What improvements in the organization and operation would you make?

· Was your internship worth doing and would you recommend this location for a future internship placement?

· Were you able to establish any close working relationships with professionals in your field? What networks can you utilize after graduation if you decide to pursue this line of work?


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