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How did watching this video about strangers’ interpretations of others influence your thoughts on self-identity?

How did watching this video about strangers’ interpretations of others influence your thoughts on self-identity?

Unit 2 Discussion: Through the Looking Glass

Unit 2 Discussion: Through the Looking Glass

This unit talks about self-identity, and what influences how we think of ourselves. For this discussion board:

· First, watch the Dove Real Beauty Sketches video below.

· How did watching this video about strangers’ interpretations of others influence your thoughts on self-identity? (Utilize the components of identity from chapter 3 in your textbook to add credibility to your response.)

· What steps could you take personally to enhance your self-esteem and self-identity? (Cite information from your textbook to back your response.)

· In responses to your classmates, let your peers know what you think about their identity based on what they have written in this discussion board. (Please respond to at least two classmates’ posts.)

Your post should contain both your personal opinions in response to the questions, as well as information you have learned from your textbook readings.


YouTube URL:


 Readings and Resources

Readings and Resources


Wood, J.T. (2017).  Communication in our lives (8th ed.).  Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

· Chapter 3: Communication and Personal Identity (pp. 46-64).

· Chapter 4: Listening Effectively (pp. 67-88).

Articles, Websites, and Videos:

This award winning short film explores the concept of self-identity and the various “masks” humans wear to represent who they are in different settings. (NOTE: “Identity” with subtitles can be found at this link:  )

A picture containing text  Description automatically generated Watch Video

Identity SHORT FILM (Award Winning Inspirational Short)

Duration: 5:19 User: Kalhil KJ Adames  – Added: 5/24/12

This video examines the four types of attachment styles (secure, fearful, dismissive, anxious/ambivalent) and how they may impact the way we communicate in intimate interpersonal relationships.

Graphical user interface  Description automatically generated Watch Video

Attachment Theory – How Your Childhood Affects Your Love Style

Duration: 13:23 User: Charisma on Command – Added: 5/20/19



Unit 2 Discussion: Marketing Research

Unit 2 Discussion: Marketing Research


Companies who want to grow their markets rely on market research to help determine consumer behavior and the most likely new potential marketplaces. Some companies design and conduct their own market research (primary research) while others choose to utilize data from existing market research conducted by other firms (secondary research).

Simulated Business Scenario

Vanessa is the owner of a well-known brand of handmade decorative items such as dream catchers and candle holders. The brand, Sirrah, has a reputation for designing and selling high-quality items at premium prices.  Considering current economic conditions and the increasing influx of similar but inferior products from foreign suppliers, Vanessa is interested in expanding Sirrah into new markets.

Vanessa knows she needs to research various aspects of new potential marketplaces to determine customer insights and if a new market will tolerate new competition from her Sirrah brand.  She is on a limited budget so, she is faced with two choices:

1. Design and conduct first-hand market research which is tailored to her specific marketing needs (primary research). Much more costly to implement but much more exacting to Vanessa’s brand expansion.

2. Purchase or license existing research that is available from government agencies, trade associations, and marketing research firms that sell research reports (secondary research). Less specific but much less costly.


· What are a few examples and pros and cons of primary and secondary research?

· Which research would you advise Vanessa utilize to support her market expansion?

Readings and Resources

Readings and Resources


Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P. (2021). Principles of Marketing (18th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

· Chapter 4: Managing Marketing Information to Gain Customer Insights

In this chapter, you will learn how marketers gain insight into consumers and the marketplace. With the rise in technology, the research industry has transformed with new digital and mobile techniques the gather, analyze, and communicate data about consumers and markets.

· Chapter 7: Customer-Value Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers

Building on what you have learned on the importance of understanding consumers and the marketplace, this chapter discusses customer value-driven marketing strategies. This includes market segmentation and choosing a market-targeting strategy.

Articles, Websites, and Videos:

The following video explains how to conduct market research.

In this video, you will learn how a customer’s wants, needs, and demands drive purchase decisions.


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