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How did watching this video about strangers’ interpretations of others influence your thoughts on self-identity?

How did watching this video about strangers’ interpretations of others influence your thoughts on self-identity?

Unit 2 Discussion: Through the Looking Glass

· In responses to your classmates, let your peers know what you think about their identity based on what they have written in this discussion board. (Please respond to at least two classmates’ posts.)



When watching this video about stranger interpretations I learned how someone can identify you with out judging. With this being said they can draw you without seeing you. They realize how you are by a description, and by doing this I think it’s a very neat idea. Definitely a way to communicate with someone on how they feel about themselves, or how others have committed or judged them throughout their lives. In Chapter 3 I read how to set realistic goals with yourself, make a genuine commitment, and then accept and work towards the changes you want. By accepting yourself for who you are helps the process, and implies that you came to realization that you are able to change. The first step is being able to accept yourself as you are now. Being your self has results in how you have had interactions and the experiences that you have been though throughout your life. Some of the steps that I could take personally to enhance my self esteem or self identity. Would be allowing to let others in, start letting some of my walls down. Everyone has been through different things throughout their life, some more than others. I always take it as a lesson learn, and I try my hardest not to hold grudges or feel guilty for what I have been though. Also I feel like I need to accept thing for what they are, and learn how to move on in life by not holding onto the actions of things that have happened. Setting goals small and big, is definitely a key point. Taking the time out of your day, week, month, or year for selfcare is a reward in itself. Taking time to build who you are, allowing the old or negative things to go away. I always say two wrongs don’t make a right, or their is no mistakes it’s a lesson learned. Being able to understand different point of views about yourself and feeling accepted is honestly a great feeling. Being able to identify who you are with pride is a step in building goals for yourself. This video was short but was informative, and in the six minutes definitely gave a message to remember.



First, watch the Dove Real Beauty Sketches video. This reveals that a stranger can see us better than we, and since we know that feeling beautiful is the First step to living.


How did watching this video about strangers’ interpretations of others influence your thoughts on self-identity? Use the components of identity from chapter 3, which depicts how most individuals are so self-centered that they only care about things that are important to them,

What steps could you take personally to enhance your self-esteem and self-identity? Take care of yourself. Follow good health guidelines. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week and do things you enjoy. Start by making a list of things you like to do.



Vitalsource Bookshelf Online. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2022, from






Unit 2 Discussion: Marketing Research


We want to hear your opinions so please try to post more than the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of 3 times in this weekly conversations. Here’s a set of recommendations:

· Try to post your initial post on Monday or Tuesday (no later than Wednesday)

· Try to post at least 2 responses (absolute minimum requirement) to other students on separate days of the week

For example:

· 1 on Thursday

· 1 on Friday

However, if you are interested being eligible for top grades… please consider entering a total of 5 (or more) contributions to the weekly conversations on separate days of the week!

All this provides the rest of our group with additional time to respond in a thoughtful way and contribute meaningful insight to the conversations! We all have our individual perspectives so please share your personal experiences as they relate to the weekly conversation!


The Pros and Cons of primary and secondary research are that primary is a higher cost and can be consumed with seconder is low and include the detail that provides your sales. She needs to purchase or get her license from existing research available for the government and the agencies, trade associations, and markets. She does not need anything costly because she just started selling her candle. She can get things moving for herself with low-cost research.


There is a few pros and cons of going with primary or secondary market research when it comes to building your own business. If you go with primary marketing research, it might be more costly, but it will give you the exact expectation that you want for your business. But if you decide to use secondary marketing research it wont cost as much but it might not be exactly what you want for you business. If you conduct your own research that will be considered primary marketing research. And if you decided to use someone else’s research that will be considered secondary marketing research. I think it would be best for Vanessa to utilize primary marketing research because yes it might cost her a little extra but it will live up to her expectations of her business.


Vanessa would have to a market Viability, that a realistic prediction whether her product can succeed or not. The market will judge your product, so you need to make sure its worth putting in all your investments.

Vanessa would need to do market research, there are plenty of research that are free or for a fee. She needs to analyzing competitors; with Internet she can do a so much research on a brand/merchant/company, as well doing a credit report on competitors. As for the secondary market research, the good thing is search engine and social media has made collecting the information easier.  You can find exciting research you can purchase or for free. With the primary market research Vanessa will have to collect data on her own, the cons are more expensive and time consuming, the pro from secondary research is that Primary can save you money in the long run because you narrow down your audience only on the feature that they are interested in. Even having surveys with customers and adding polls on social media and to be really theral Vanessa can pay a web service to get survey response from target people that uses similar products.


I would advise Vanessa to do Primary research I believe she will have more success in her business.


Advantages of Primary Research

· Addresses Specific Research Issues. Carrying out their own research allows the marketing organization to address issues specific to their own situation.

· Greater Control. Not only does primary research enable the marketer to focus on specific issues, it also enables the marketer to have a higher level of control over how the …

· Efficient Spending for Information. Unlike secondary research where the marketer may spend for information that is not needed, primary data collections focuses on issues specific to the researcher.

· Proprietary Information. Information collected by the marketer using primary research is their own and is generally not shared with others.

Advantages of Primary Research –



Primary research is evidence collected by self-conducted research methods based on key objectives set, while secondary research are previously sources pieces of information often used at the beginning of research. Some pros about primary research are it is relevant to the set of objectives, its up to date and more accurate to the given situation or place, and its private data. The con to this is it can be a time consuming exercise, can be costly.  Secondary Research pros are capability to access things straight away, many of the secondary sources are free, and it helps to guide further research that may need to be taken. The cons to this is the relevancy of the research to the problem at hand, lack of accuracy, it may be out of date, and the amount of information available can be overwhelming.

I would say go with the secondary research because of her limited budget. Primary  research usually costs more and often takes longer to conduct than secondary research. Secondary research is the type of research that has already been compiled, gathered, organized and published by others.


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