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What measures are taken with the client suffering from burn injuries to prevent infection?

What measures are taken with the client suffering from burn injuries to prevent infection?

Module 06 Assignment

Multidimensional Care IV



Submit your completed assignment by following the directions below. You must include 2-3 refences from scholarly sources and a reference list in APA format at the end of this document. Remember that all references should have accompanying in-text citations in the body of your work. Each answer should be appropriately cited, written in full sentences, and double-spaced per APA format.

Please Include there:

I. Compromised Airway

II. Medication Administration

III. Nutritional Requirements

IV. Prevention of Infection


You are working the night shift on a medical-surgical unit. Your assignment includes a 19-year-old woman admitted early this morning. She has sustained burns over 30% of her body surface area, with partial-thickness burns on her legs and back.



Discuss the following using instructions and case study outlined on page 1:

1. The staff are following the Parkland Formula for fluid resuscitation. The client arrived at 0200 and was admitted at 0400. She weighs 110 pounds. Calculate her fluid requirement, using the 4 ml Parkland formula. Explain the time intervals and amounts for each.

A) Calculate Parkland formula amounts and rates:

Total fluid replacement for 1st 24 hours:  
1st half of fluid replacement (1st 8 hours): Total volume:
  Rate per hour:
2nd half of fluid replacement (next 16 hours): Total volume:
  Rate per hour:

B) Why is this time interval important for rescue of the burn victim?


2. The client was sleeping when the fire started and managed to make her way out of the house through thick smoke. You are concerned about possible smoke inhalation. What assessment finding would corroborate this concern?


3. The client is in severe pain. What are the drugs of choice for pain relief? How and when should they be given? Are there any risks associated with these medications?


4. As the client progresses through the stages of burn injury, the focus will begin to shift to nutrition and replenishment. What nutritional requirements are necessary for the client’s burns to heal? What is the goal of nutrition therapy in post-burn care?



5. Infection prevention and wound care are necessary to allow for healing of the injured tissue.

A) What measures are taken with the client suffering from burn injuries to prevent infection?


B) What dressings may be used to prevent infection? Be sure to list and describe at least 3 types of dressings.









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