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Explain what your analysis suggests to you about the cultural values and beliefs of each culture and how they approach decision-making and/or problem-solving.

Explain what your analysis suggests to you about the cultural values and beliefs of each culture and how they approach decision-making and/or problem-solving.

Assessment 3 instructions humanities:


Heroic Qualities Analysis




Select an artifact that depicts a hero and analyze the heroic qualities and transformation journey of that story. Then compare and contrast the hero story to a person you consider a hero in your own life.


Other people’s ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

– Amy Poehler, actress, comedian, and writer

Much of Amy Poehler’s work, including her time on Saturday Night Live and Parks and Recreation, involved her closely collaborating with a team. Just like Amy, working with others who have different perspectives and talents can not only help you successfully meet your goals, it can also inspire you (and others) to work in new ways.

In this assessment, you will continue to strengthen your relationship-building skills as you explore how artists work together to change people’s perspectives and how you can use those same strategies to inspire change in your personal and professional life. Exploring these strategies will also help you hone your self- and social-awareness skills. That’s because, to work with teams effectively, you need to consider how others are feeling and how you can encourage them to do their best work. When your team members are doing their best, you’ll find that you do your best, too.

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

– Michael Jordan, professional basketball player

“It’s easier if I just do it myself.” That thought has probably crossed your mind at some point in your life or career. It might happen when you’re working alone on a challenging task, you feel like explaining your process or asking for help will only make more work for you. In some situations, it may truly be easier to go at it alone. But more often, there is a tremendous benefit to working with others, especially when those people have different perspectives than your

During this assessment, you will also strengthen your relationship-building skills by exploring how artists collaborate with others to grow their abilities and how you can also work constructively with other people to achieve great things in your personal and professional life. As you collaborate with friends, peers, and colleagues, you will continue to strengthen your self- and social-awareness skills by learning to grow from feedback.


BrainyQuote. (n.d.). Michael Jordan quotes.

Goodreads. (n.d.). Amy Poehler quotes.


As you navigate environments in your personal and professional life, you will engage with people and artifacts from different cultures. In these interactions, you will naturally compare the similarities and differences of other cultures to your own and to other cultures you have been exposed to. This analysis will help you make meaning of information and be more effective in your interactions at work, home, and school.

In this assessment, you will analyze the differences and similarities between the two cultures using the cultural artifacts you have selected. You will then relate your analysis to explain certain aspects of that culture.


You will choose one topic from the options listed below to conduct your comparative culture analysis. After you select your topic, you will then select two artifacts related to your topic to use as the subjects of your analysis. You will also support your analysis with relevant course readings and resources.

· Topic Option 1: Cultural Views on Making Decisions. Analyze the cultural artifacts you examined in Chapter 4 of Exploring Cultures. Make sure you identify the cultural artifacts selected for this analysis. Your analysis of the artifacts should inform us of how you perceive the cultures from these aspects:

1. Making decisions and/or resolving conflicts: Discuss two similarities and two differences in approaches used by these cultures.

1. Cultural values and beliefs: Explain what your analysis suggests to you about the cultural values and beliefs of each culture and how they approach decision-making and/or problem-solving.

. Topic Option 2: Cultural Views on Customs and Traditions. Analyze the cultural artifacts you examined in Chapter 5 of Exploring Cultures. Make sure you identify the cultural artifacts selected for this analysis. Your analysis of the artifacts should inform us of how you perceive the cultures from these aspects:

2. Customs and traditions: Discuss two similarities and two differences around the customs and traditions of these cultures.

2. Cultural values and beliefs: Explain what your analysis suggests to you about the cultural values and beliefs of each culture related to customs and traditions.

. Topic Option 3: Cultural Views on Heroic Qualities. Analyze the cultural artifacts you examined in Chapter 6 of Exploring Cultures. Make sure you identify the cultural artifacts selected for this analysis. Your analysis of the artifacts should inform us of how you perceive the cultures from these aspects:

3. Qualities of the hero story: Identify two similarities and two differences between the hero stories from these cultures.

3. Cultural values and beliefs: Explain what your findings suggest to you about the cultural values and beliefs of each culture regarding what makes a hero.


After you have chosen your topic and the relevant artifacts, write 2–3 pages that incorporate the following items:

1. Compare and contrast the cultures represented in your chosen artifacts.

. Describe the artifacts you selected on which you will conduct your cultural analysis. Be sure to identify the cultures.

. Identify the similarities and differences between the cultures as they relate to how your chosen topic is depicted in the cultural artifacts.

2. Analyze the artifacts to inform how the depicted cultures approach the cultural views of your selected topic.

. If you selected Topic 1: Cultural Views on Making Decisions:

6. Discuss two similarities and two differences in approaches used by these cultures.

6. Explain what your analysis suggests to you about the cultural values and beliefs of each culture and how they approach decision-making and/or problem-solving.

. If you selected Topic 2: Cultural Views on Customs and Traditions:

7. Discuss two similarities and two differences around the customs and traditions of these cultures.

7. Explain what your analysis suggests to you about the cultural values and beliefs of each culture related to customs and traditions.

. If you selected Topic 3: Cultural Views on Heroic Qualities:

8. Discuss two similarities and two differences between the hero stories from these cultures.

8. Explain what your findings suggest to you about the cultural values and beliefs of each culture regarding what makes a hero.

3. Summarize two main takeaways about the cultures reflected and insights you gained.

. Describe what you learned about the cultures reflected.

. Explain how the insights you gained from these two cultures can be used to widen your perspective.

4. Explain how understanding the cultural similarities and differences that exist between your own culture and your chosen cultures can benefit you in your personal, academic, and professional life.

. Describe at least two similarities and/or differences between your own cultural values and ideals and that of one of the cultures you chose for this assessment.

. Explain how these insights can be used to support your professional, academic, and personal endeavors.

5. Write in a well-organized and concise manner that adheres to the rules of grammar, usage, mechanics, and formatting.


Your submission should meet the following requirements:

. Length: 2–3 pages of text, in addition to a title page and reference page.

. Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

. Formatting: Format your submission in APA style, with a title page, double spacing, and a reference page.

. Citations: Properly cite sources according to APA rules. Review  Evidence and APA  for more information on how to cite your sources.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

. Competency 1: Analyze personal cultural bias.

17. Explain how understanding the cultural similarities and differences that exist between one’s own culture and these cultures can benefit one’s personal, academic, and professional life.

. Competency 3: Analyze cultural differences and similarities of people globally.

18. Compare and contrast the cultures represented in the chosen artifacts.

18. Summarize two main takeaways about the cultures reflected and insights gained.

. Competency 4: Analyze the role of culture and artistic expression in human thought and behavior.

19. Analyze the artifacts to inform how the depicted cultures approach the cultural views of the selected topic.

. Competency 5: Address assessment purpose in a well-organized text incorporating appropriate evidence and tone in grammatically sound sentences

20. Write in a well-organized and concise manner that adheres to the rules of grammar, usage, and mechanics.


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