MA-336 Steven Cheng
Extra Credit
Due: Last day of class
Extra Credit #2
(+5 on lowest exam or lab replacement)
How to Lie, Cheat, Manipulate, and Mislead using Statistics:
For this assignment, I want you to read the attached powerpoint and text about how to lie,
cheat, manipulate, and mislead using Statistics. Your response paper should be about 2 – 3
pages. I also want you to address the following:
What is:
1. Biased Sampling
2. Area Bias
3. Self-section bias
4. Leading question bias
5. Social desirability bias
6. Sampling Bias
7. How can you manipulate data analysis? Give some examples
8. How can you manipulate graphical displays? Give some examples
9. How can we tell the difference between good and bad information?