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What do you see as the principle opportunities in a career in international business?

What do you see as the principle opportunities in a career in international business?

3.1 Discussion: Individualist/Collectivist Assessment (Part B)

1. By the end of this workshop, respond to at least two of your classmates.

a. Consider their reflection on the self-assessment results and application of Hofstede’s descriptions of individualism and collectivism.

b. Offer critical evaluation or add clarity to the posts of your classmates.

c. Where applicable, respectfully offer alternate perspectives and provide additional clarifying commentary to add to the discussion.

2. Each response should be at least 150 words.

Peer Review 1 (Srik):

The result that I get from the test is that I am mostly collectivist. The test has assessed that, I know that doing things that behoove a larger group of people is the right thing to do, but sometimes it’s just nice to do things for myself. Life is all about balance, and this is no different. It also predicts that I always try to consider other people when doing things or making decisions, but other times, I just don’t.

I believe that this assessment is the accurate reflection of my sense of collectivism because I always like to have people around me and moreover before doing anything I used to think twice whether my act will affect anyone in a negative way. If so, I will surely stop that. I usually keep in mind the welfare of others when I start doing something. I love to have people around me all the time, it is rare to spend time alone. I keep in mind the welfare of the maximum number of people, when I take a decision. So, the test is very reliable in my case, which accurately reflected my sense of collectivism.

This result indicates that I was raised in a large family or joint family, where we have many members. So, obviously I was trained to adjust to all situations and also to have mutual understanding. There I used to have more emotional support and source of entertainment. We as children, in the joint family, learn to coexist. May be that is the reason why I have a sense of collectivism.

According to Vince Lombardi, “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” (Brainyquote, n.d.). As a manager in a company where multicultural people work, I will try to be moderate with every one more over I will encourage the employees to respect and appreciate all cultures by being open to all their traditions and values. I will also try to organize a Cross-Cultural Training (“9 Ways to Manage a Multicultural Team”, 2021), so that people will get to know each other’s culture and appreciate it. This will bring good rapport among them, which in turn reflects in the productivity.

Peer Review 1 (JuZh):

From the survey, I got: Mostly Collectivist.

For the assessment, I think it is relatively correct to describe me. It shows that I know that doing things that behoove a larger group of people is the right thing to do, but sometimes it’s just nice to do things for yourself. Life is all about balance, and this is no different. I always try to consider other people when doing things or making decisions, but other times, I just don’t. I was born in a collectivist society with a lifelong pursuit of belonging closely to a social group. I take shelter in this relationship and return it with unconditional loyalty.

If I am a manager, in order to make team members commit to a group effort. I will suggest we advocate mutual understanding, live in harmony, work together, and oppose internal disputes. However, emphasizing “harmony-oriented” does not exclude competition, but emphasizes internal and external competition, that is, internal concessions but not competition, and external competition but not concessions. A group is united as one person and competes with other groups. Another action I can think of is appropriate rewards, which can improve efficiency and can stimulate the enthusiasm of work. So that every member of the team will enjoy the achievement and happiness of working together.

3.2 Discussion: SWOT Analysis (Part B)

1. By the end of this workshop, read and critically respond to at least one of your classmates’ SWOT analysis

2. Each response should be at least 150 words.

Peer Review 1(SriK):

What do you see as the principle opportunities in a career in international business?

The principal opportunity, that I could see in the international business, is a Business Development Manager opportunity.

2. What do you see as your principle strengths that will allow you to take advantage of these opportunities?

The principal strength that I have to take advantage of this opportunity is that I know the markets well, I can make relevant connections and make plans accordingly. Since, business development manager is quite an important position, I will ensure growth and development, and will work closely with marketing and sales teams that are working in the international markets. I am also aware that the business development managers will get a salary of 3 lakhs to 10 lakhs per month. There are also many opportunities for growth and become part of senior management.

3. Identify one or two skills that you feel you will need that you don’t already possess? What could you do over the next one or two years to develop those skills?

As a business development manager hope I need to have the Problem-solving skills. I sometimes struggle to solve certain problems on my own, so I look for other person who can give me ideas to overcome that problem. From now on I am going to try my best to solve the problems which I face, hope this simple step will help me to acquire the problem-solving skill. The other skill which I need to develop is negotiating skill. I feel embarrassed to have a negotiation talk even with sellers, I used to pay the money which they ask. But in the case of business development manager, they need to negotiate things for the growth of business. So, I am planning to have some negotiation talks with local sellers to develop that skill.

3.3 Discussion: Uncertainty Avoidance (Part A)

1. For a practical understanding of the importance of understanding uncertainty avoidance in the workplace, read the internet article titled “The Role of Cultural Differences in Business Communications.”

2. Paying attention to the author’s perspective on the connection between product quality and uncertainty avoidance, review the internet article titled “On Avoiding Uncertainty.”

3. Navigate to the discussion below and post a substantive response to the following questions:

a. Describe the relationship between uncertainty avoidance and propensity to trust. How would you ensure efficient strategic decision making in organizations comprised of team members from different cultural backgrounds and with varying levels of uncertainty avoidance?

b. What is the impact of uncertainty avoidance on innovation within an organization? What advice would you give to an organizational leader wishing to foster innovation marked by varying levels of uncertainty avoidance?

4. Your initial response should:

a. Be 200–300 words in length

b. Include a minimum of two properly cited references. For questions on APA style, go to the APA Style Guide.

3.4 Discussion: Developing a Cultural Map (Part A)

1. Watch the video “10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Uncertainty Avoidance.” (

2. Watch the video “The right way to ask questions about your colleague’s race ” ( Navigate to the discussion below and post a substantive response answering the questions below (a–e). Once you have answered the questions, create a mapping diagram using SmartArt located in Microsoft Word to demonstrate your cultural competency.

3. Download, review, and answer the questions located in the Cultural Map document.

a. List all of the various cultures that you belong to (or that have influenced the way you communicate). There are no right or wrong answers. You can identify any and all cultures (as we have defined that term) that make sense to you.

b. Graphically “map” all of the cultures in terms of their importance in your life now and their relation to each other. You can use any format you wish to map things. You may use different geometric shapes for various cultures, different sizes, etc.

c. Draw points of tension between your cultures. Which cultures tend to have norms for behavior that differ? That conflict? Which cultures are most in tension in this way? Draw arrows or other indicators to show that.

d. Which of these cultural tensions are most likely to cause you internal conflict?

e. Which of these cultural tensions are most likely to cause conflict with others?

3.5 Assignment: Podcast

1. Listen to the podcast “Uncertainty Avoidance in International Business” by Chris Smit.

2. Watch the video “What is a Podcast? Here’s How to Listen to a Podcast.”

3. Select one country with a low uncertainty avoidance score and another country with a high avoidance score.

4. Conduct research and understand the two selected countries’ uncertainty avoidance scores (low and high).

5. Review the webpage “How to Start a Podcast” and watch the videos on that page.

6. As a consultant, develop a 10- to 15-minute podcast comparing the low and high uncertainty avoidance countries. Remember, your podcast will be shared with the global managers at the retreat.

7. Your podcast should include, but is not limited to, the following:

a. Introduce yourself as the consultant. Be creative!

b. Explanation of uncertainty avoidance

c. Profile/summation of selected countries

d. Discussion of uncertainty avoidance for low and high countries

e. Conclude your podcast by integrating a biblical principle surrounding rules. Review “What Does the Bible Say About Rules?


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