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What are some of the ways in which  people in the United States with fewer resources are at greater risk for poor health?

What are some of the ways in which  people in the United States with fewer resources are at greater risk for poor health?

The purpose of these recap discussion boards is to create dialogue and analytical discourse about the material covered in the chapter. In answering the recap discussion questions, you should engage in meaningful discussion with your fellow classmates. Please make sure to pay close attention to the specific due dates for each discussion board. You can contact me directly if you have any questions or post your question on the ‘General Questions/Concerns’ discussion form on the course site. 

Due Dates: 

**Initial post due 05/20

Please respond to the following questions with at least 5-7 sentence paragraph responses per question.

**Secondary posts due 05/22

You should respond to at least two of your classmates post by the above due date. Your responses should be substantial, meaning they should be about 5-7 sentences in length and relate to your classmates post in some way. Please review the discussion board rubric on the course site for an elaboration on the grading criteria.  


What are some of the ways in which  people in the United States with fewer resources are at greater risk for poor health? Why are certain groups at a particular disadvantage? Are these patterns evident in COVID-19 data? (Please support your answer with evidence by doing some research on the disparities found in current data; please remember that gender is also important when analyzing health-outcomes)

Worth 10 Points:

Chapter Learning Objectives:

To read these particular portions of the chapter, please click on the links below and you will be taken to that section of the book.

19.1 The Social Construction of Health

  • Define the term medical sociology
  • Understand the difference between the cultural meaning of illness, the social construction of illness, and the social construction of medical knowledge

19.2 Global Health

  • Define social epidemiology
  • Apply theories of social epidemiology to an understanding of global health issues
  • Understand the differences between high-income and low-income nations

19.3 Health in the United States

  • Understand how social epidemiology can be applied to health in the United States
  • Explain disparities of health based on gender, socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity
  • Give an overview of mental health and disability issues in the United States
  • Explain the terms stigma and medicalization

19.4 Comparative Health and Medicine

  • Explain the different types of health care available in the United States
  • Compare the health care system of the United States with that of other countries

19.5 Theoretical Perspectives on Health and Medicine

  • Apply functionalist, conflict theorist, and interactionist perspectives to health issues


For this week, you should review each section in the chapter reading and complete your chapter recap assignment and/or discussion board. You should also review all supplemental readings and/or videos that are provided for you in the module. Please remember that your responses for the chapter recap assignment should be approximately 5 to 7 sentences in length per question set (not individual questions). You should only upload word or pdf files (please DO NOT upload .pages files). Additionally, your discussion board responses are due on Friday (initial response to the discussion prompt) and Sunday (respond to at least TWO of your classmates posts). Your posts should also be approximately 5 to 7 sentences in length per question set (not individual questions). Please let me know if you have any questions concerns about the assignments.


Please find the assignments rubric under the ‘Course Resources’ module here: Link

You can also find book resources for your textbook here: Link (Links to an external site.)

I am always here to help so don’t hesitate to contact me with any concerns you may have:

How To Contact Me

Happy learning!!!

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