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How does your time-consuming media compare to the time you spend doing other things such as sleeping eating and exercising?

How does your time-consuming media compare to the time you spend doing other things such as sleeping eating and exercising?

This assignment contributes to the Gordon Rule with Writing (GRW) requirement and will count as 15% towards your overall grade.

To help you acknowledge the high degree of media exposure and the concept of multitasking, think about how many hours per day you spend on reading newspapers, reading magazines, listening to the radio, watching movies, watching television, surfing the Internet, playing video games, playing games on your cell phones.

Analyze your daily media consumption honestly and critically. Respond to the following questions in essay format in APA style:

1. How would you describe your pattern of media consumption?

· What media activities do you spend the most time doing?

· What is the total number of hours you spend consuming media content?

· How many hours include multitasking?

2. How does your time-consuming media compare to the time you spend doing other things such as sleeping, eating, and exercising?

3. Do you feel that your media consumption takes time away from doing other “important” things, such as doing homework, chores, work, etc.?

4. What conclusions can you reach about the sources and perspective of your media content?

4. What potential biases could you be exposed to?

1. What recommendations would you make to broaden your menu of media consumption?

Directions for Critical Thinking Activity #1:

·  Word count: 400. Going under or over the word count will be counted against your overall grade for the assignment.

· You will need to provide up to 2 links of websites you visit frequently within the essay.

· Use Times New Roman size 12 pt. double-spaced.

· Essay can be written in first-person.

· Must use APA style.

· Submit it as a Word document ONLY.

· Essay should have proper punctuation, grammar, and structure. It should NOT be one huge paragraph. Practice the proper writing skills you learned in ENC 1101 & ENC 1102.

· View rubric to meet the expectations of the assignment.

· Similarity index within TurnItIn should be 25% or lower. Higher similarity indexes will receive an automatic zero.


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