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Why can an event such as the Hawthorne studies be a major turning point in the history of management even if the results of the studies are later shown to be in error?

Why can an event such as the Hawthorne studies be a major turning point in the history of management even if the results of the studies are later shown to be in error?

Chapter 1


Please answer these questions to the best of your ability using the information that you gathered from reading the chapter and the accompanying information. Please do not copy and paste.


1. Please read the file titled “Amazon Management Job Description.” Review the Four Functions of Management outlined in Chapter 1. For each of the four functions of management, identify two management duties from the job description that would be examples of the types of duties that a manager would perform within the given function. Explain your answers.




2. Based on the same job description, what managerial roles from Chapter 1 are highlighted in the job description? Please be specific.





3. Also, would the ideal candidate for this position need a higher level of human skills, technical skills, or conceptual skills? Explain your answer.


















Chapter 2


Please answer these questions to the best of your ability using the information that you gathered from reading the chapter, along with information from your own work experience. Please do not copy and paste.


1. Please watch the video on Taylorism. Why do you think Frederick Taylor’s ideas were important at that particular point in history? Explain.





2. Why can an event such as the Hawthorne studies be a major turning point in the history of management, even if the results of the studies are later shown to be in error? Do you believe that current managers still utilize concepts learned in these experiments? Explain your answers.





3. Frank and Lillian Gilbreth are famous within scientific management for their motion studies, where they broke down individual movements in order to increase efficiency. Do you believe these types of studies are still relevant today? If so, what types of organizations might use these types of motion studies? Please explain.















Chapter 3

Please answer these questions to the best of your ability using the information that you gathered from reading the chapter, along with information from your own work experience. Please do not copy and paste.

1. Please watch the following videos on Walmart and Amazon (also listed in the content section).

Walmart: Walmart Values list:

Amazon: Amazon Values list:

What are some of the similarities and differences you see between these two companies solely based on their listed core values?

2. Please explain the general differences in company culture at Walmart and Amazon based on the information that you discovered when answering question 1. Why do you think these differences exist?

3. Do you think that it’s better to have a shorter set of company values that may be easier to relay to employees or a longer set of values that is more comprehensive? Please explain.


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