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Explain ways that help you cope with stressful situations.

Explain ways that help you cope with stressful situations.

nstructions: read and reply to 3 discussion posts listed below from the Self Care course:

Carmen Batriz

Going back to school at this time in my life is something I had not planned.  My time is already spread thin between full-time ministry which is requiring cross country travel more often, grandma duty several days per week, and attention given to maintaining a healthy marriage with my husband, Joe, of 37 years.

According to (n.d.), 10 Habits of Highly Effective Students, “The key to becoming an effective student is learning how to study smarter, not harder.”1 The article identifies the top 10 study habits that generate a high level of success among students.  The habits themselves are simple, practical, and easy to implement into a busy schedule.  For instance, No. 5, Never procrastinate your planned study session, resonated with me, as I tend to put off certain tasks choosing to complete those more interesting or enjoyable first.  Making small adjustments to prioritize tasks and to better manage my time will undoubtedly make the journey at Wagner more fruitful.

One of the major pitfalls of becoming a college student is forgetting or not being aware that “College is hard work, and just like any other kind of job, you deserve a break.”2 (Florida National University (FNU), 2019) Technique No. 5 of 11 Techniques to Improve Your Study Habits reminds students to practice self-care by remembering to take breaks.  It also makes suggestions of foods to eat to refuel the brain.

Another concern to be aware of is stress and the need for a plan to manage it.  In an article published by Duke University (DU), Gary Glass and Christine Pesetski co-authored, Tips for Dealing with Stress.  Tip No. 1 is a reminder to care for the body and suggests that “Rest will


1.“10 Habits of Highly Effective Students.” Education Corner – Education That Matters.

2. “11 Technique to Improve Your Study Habits.” Florida National University. August 2, 2019,

help restore your physical and mental resources; exercise will release the tension that emerges when you face challenges over a period of time; and eating and drinking well will fuel your body and mind for upcoming challenges.”3 So often, people neglect the warnings the body gives when it is overloaded with stress, so it is wise to take personal inventory often to monitor for signs of stress on the body and the mind.

Maintaining a positive mental attitude could become a challenge at some point, so Tip No. 3 (DU), reminding one to reflect on long-term goals “will renew… motivation and reduce …stress because…work is not as much a threat as it is a valued opportunity.”4 Tip No. 4 (DU) suggests the celebration of milestones along the way, as “This can give…endorphins a boost, allow you to breathe a little deeper, and provide a shift in focus…”5

The resources provided in this assignment are good reminders of things to keep in mind moving forward on this journey.

 Patrina Reed

The challenges to integrating my Wagner studies into my current lifestyle I find are time management (procrastination) thinking that I have more time than what I do. I have picked up poor eating habits again (stress eating). Not getting enough sleep staying up late to finish assignments or bringing work home from work. Making sure I continue to have quality time with my husband and family. I also see one of my biggest challenges have been not being able to say no to additional work/events or delegating certain projects.

The way I will overcome these challenges are by setting things in a priority status and setting limits, Manage time, Learn to say no, detach from work, and consider my options. (Creagan 2020). This will consist of allotting myself a minimum of 1 hour per day to work on homework whether that be in the morning or in the early evening. I will go back to meal prepping on the weekend for the up coming week. Setting a consistent nightly routine, where I’m getting at least 6-7 of sleep. Using Friday and Saturday as family days and Sunday as my Sabbath.

Ways that help me cope with stressful situations are re-balance work and home, connecting with supportive people, making time to my hobbies (crafting) and meditation. I find just at times just sitting in a quite space and slowing my thoughts down help me. ( ). How I maintain a positive mental attitude, I constantly stand on this scripture; For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7


Creagan ET (Mayo Clinic) June 15, 2020

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV.

Lorena Cuellar

The word of God tells me in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 that for Everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.  After reading this scripture I realized, that for this course and time in my life there is a season and purpose.  At the beginning, of this course I found myself truly challenged with many roadblocks thrown my way.  But I learned thru this word that this is a new season, and I could choose how I would handle it.

I didn’t plan everything thoroughly, so when the curve balls came in the first few weeks, I wasn’t prepared. Not only the curveballs but the questioning of why I was doing this.

The questions, in addition with my home responsibilities, coaching and career responsibilities felt a little overwhelming.   So much so, where I thought, did I make the right choice.

I didn’t want to admit it, but I started to strive in all areas.  I realized quickly that I needed to go back to the drawing board and needed breakthrough and victory in a few areas of my life.  I was blinded and then it was made clear that it was because of lack of proper preparation and now I was stressing.  And guess what I wasn’t alone!  According to the JED Foundation, research shows me that most likely all college students experience some school-related stress from time time.   They further explain that, stress pushes us to stay on track and keeps us motivated.  But when stress, worry and anxiety starts to overwhelm us, it makes it hard for us to focus.  And in my case, this turns to performance driven work or just wanting to quit.  Who would have thought!   Further national studies indicate that college students tend to have emotional health challenges such as stress, anxiety, sleep and depression impeding academic success.   Research also indicates that although we all strive to excel and do well, constant stress can in fact lead to dropping out. Or in some cases just wanting to quit.  Same thing right. These have bigger repercussions in life! impacting many other areas in our Lifes! But there is HOPE and always a away out.

This that I shared was my challenge. Integrating the work at the beginning in addition to many duties and responsibilities from work, was a little hard.  But I realized I had slipped and haven’t been effective in Time Management!

I mentioned all additional duties at work that didn’t allow me to prioritize my work, this was due also to me not delegating!  As a leader, this was something that it took a while for me to learn to do. At the start of the course I for some reason found my self falling into the pattern of saying yes to everything and then not delegating duties. This became a challenge because I became overwhelmed.  But thank God for GRACE and that the Lord will Always give us the victory .

How will you overcome those challenges?

About 1 Week ago, the Lord had to come and speak to me.  He has overcome the world! So I too am an overcomer.  NO matter how hard it gets I am up for the challenge, but I must seek out the Lord and of course wise counsel. I must seek the Lord so that he guides my every step, like his word says.  But Time Management will be Key for me in the next seasons.  I tend to bring lots of work home from the Health Care Clinics, but to move forward, I will need to better Manage my time and leave work at work.  Easier said then done, but I am confident the Lord will help every step of the way.  In addition to time management,  I plan to re introduce healthy habits into my life.  For example taking 45 minute walks during my lunch time to destress.  With two clinics I have found it difficult to consistently eat a healthy balanced meal, often time skipping meals, but I plan to better plan my eating to better fuel my body.  Additionally,  develop better sleeping habits.

I am not 18, so what worked during my under grad, the all nighters and staying up late doing research papers, will not work this time around. I will need make sure to get at least 6 hours of good sleep like experts say.

Explain ways that help you cope with stressful situations.

I know that we have many ways to cope with stress and these are some that I run towards.

I try to avoid conflict if possible, especially when managing doctors or coaching 10 and under girls.  I have learned to sometimes no answer is the best way to avoid further conflict or strife.  I am not perfect, and many times I have spoken out of turn.  We have a great example in Jesus.

Staying organized allows me to not stress.  When I am not organized, I tend to stress and because of that then I over speak to speak when I shouldn’t.  As previously mentioned, walking during lunch is something that I use to always do, but with the hustle and buzzel, I forget, but its a new goal, “Walk at Lunch.”  I must do this. According to WebMD, “Like any other cardiovascular exercise, brisk walking boosts endorphins, which can reduce stress hormones and alleviate mild depression. Regular exercise, through the production of feel-good endorphins, can improve mood and self-esteem.” Its a win win situation.

In order to maintain a positive mental attitude, I must continue or re implement proven methods to reduce stress, but most importantly I must in all I do and above all , seek the lord.



Bruce, D. F. (n.d.). Exercise and depression: Endorphins, reducing stress, and more. WebMD. Retrieved May 19, 2022, from

Elizabeth Scott, P. D. (2021, July 31). 9 tips for how you can better handle stress at work. Verywell Mind. Retrieved May 19, 2022, from


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