After taking this class, what is your overall opinion of current day law enforcement? Would you consider a career in law enforcement? If yes, why and what would you like to do? If not, why not? What...
Popular Questions - Law
Short paper 2 Basic Information : Points: 40 Due date: May 5th by 11:00am Page length: 4-5 pages double spaced, 12 point font References needed: 5 minimum (APA citation format) Topics : This...
Communication with the public is a key element of disaster response. In this assignment, imagine you are a new member of a public safety team in the municipal government and you’ve been tasked with...
Provide examples of informal processes of social control. How could such processes increase acts of crime and delinquency, according to a labeling theorist? How would a conflict theorist explain...
Discus why we as officers and as a society should care that people who are mentally ill are significantly overrepresented in Jails. How are the needs of those with serious mental illnesses being...
Sexting, the impact it is having on our society, especially when children are sending out sexually explicit photos or videos of themselves to their boyfriends or girlfriends. What is end result if...