Essay 1 (at least 400 words):
Compare the business models and core competencies of Google, Apple, and Facebook.
1. Why is mobile computing so important to these three firms?
2. Evaluate the mobile strategies of each firm. Which company and business model do you think is most likely to dominate the internet and why?
3. What difference would it make to a business or to an individual consumer if Apple, Google, or Facebook dominated the internet experience? Explain your answer.
Essay 2 (at least 400 words):
1. Compare two branches of statistics: Descriptive Statistics and Inferential Statistics
2. Discuss the concept, advantage, example, and application of these two branches of statistics.
Essay 3 (at lease 400 words):
1. Research the concept of these advance Hypothesis Testing Methods: z-test, t-test, chi-square test, ANOVA
2. Choose one method that interests you the most and Discuss the advantage, application, and the steps of this method with one real-industry example.