If you would like to earn extra credit towards your total grade, select one (1) to three (3) of the following questions. However, the maximum amount of points that can be earned are 35 points. All assignments must be submitted by 11:59 pm on May 5th. Please post your extra credit assignments on Blackboard.
1. One of the most common items of clothing to wear is a t-shirt. T-shirts can be plain, have a variety of colors, and include pictures and even messages. Some people believe that T-shirts communicate a message to others. They also believe that people can communicate their feelings, social/personal messages and beliefs by the T-shirts they wear. Using Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, provide a picture of 3 totally different types of T-shirts and explain the communication that each T-shirt provides about the person who chooses to wear the shirts. Discuss how others can misinterpret the message or meaning of the shirts and those who may be wearing it.
2. It’s not always easy to manage emotions, especially when you’re feeling fearful, stressed, angry, or defensive. Provide an example of a situation at home or at work where you had to demonstrate emotion labor. Who was all involved? How exactly did you respond? What was the end result of the situation?
1.Define and explain the difference between interpersonal communication and impersonal communication. Provide an example of each your own experiences.
2. Do you generally regard yourself as an introvert or an extrovert? Provide 3 examples of why you consider yourself as in introvert or extrovert, and how it has helped you to determine or shape your own personal identity and the behaviors you demonstrate to others.
3. Do you prefer to meet romantic partners online or face-to-face initially? Explain why does it make a difference to you? Is your answer the same or different for friendships and coworkers that you meet online?