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Describe how to generate a sales forecast and explain how you will deliver the product or service to the customer. 

Describe how to generate a sales forecast and explain how you will deliver the product or service to the customer. 

Part 1: Team Competition: What’s Your Idea? – Medical Industry


Your corporation is sponsoring a competition between the locations of your company for new product ideas. The winning location will be given a substantial bonus and be recognized at the corporate level for innovation. Work with your team to create a new product idea for the business and a plan to develop the new product. The product should include a diversity and inclusion aspect.

In Module 1, you explained the history and principles of operations management. Now your team will write a paper explaining all of your new product ideas for your business, Nanotechnology Solutions, Inc. as well as ideas for improving business processes, innovation, and the new product development process. In this paper, your team will write a plan to manage organizational change so the organization will be ready with a process in place for any product development initiatives. You will identify a new product development process for a business and each team member will offer a potential new product for the business that could be developed in the area you live in and apply it across the markets for the business.


In a 4-6 page paper, include the following:

Explain the process for developing new products or services for Nanotechnology solutions, Inc.

Each member of the team will identify the opportunity and explain the customer’s needs.

As a team, you will generate some product or service concepts and validate the concepts by explaining how each will fulfill the need for the customers.

Describe how to generate a sales forecast and explain how you will deliver the product or service to the customer.

Detail the planning tools to prioritize and help control the development process and identify any potential problems that could derail the effort.

Finally, identify preparation activities needed to help the organization complete the new development process.

The body of the paper will be 4 to 6 pages long (not including the title page and references page) in APA format. The paper should include at least four references.

It is important that you work together on this project in this discussion forum. You are each responsible for submitting your work to Turnitin prior to submitting your finalized portion to your team leader. Your team leader will be responsible for submitting the final paper.


The following materials will outline the structure of a discussion, how to submit and reply to a discussion posting, and how your work will be evaluated using the rubric grading tool. Please review them carefully and post any questions you have in the module Q&A discussion forum. Review the rubric carefully and contact your instructor if anything is unclear to you.

Discussion Posting Guide

Collaboration Rubric

Collaboration discussions are worth 15% of your final grade.


PS: Please remember these remember to follow these threads below from previous module for this assignment.


Introduction and Instructions

In Module 1, you selected a task force of interest that you wanted to be a part of for the group project. You also selected a team leader who will be responsible for submitting group assignments. Lastly, you began to get to know one another. Now it is time to make some decisions!

Work with your task force and discuss the following:

Determine if your branch is a distributor or a retailer.  ( retailer)

Choose a product line of no more than three products your branch company distributes/retails in your task force. (1). Drug delivery system to target specific cells to avoid healthy tissue, correcting genetic error in cells. (2.) Nanotechnology and nanomaterials to mimic surface properties for the reconstruction of a variety of skin tissue. (3) Suture needles and sutures your operational process for retailing/distributing your products.

Describe your operational process for retailing/distributing your products. ( for retailing we will promote our product in hospitals, physician offices, and heath centers)

Your team leader will post a summary of your work in M2.3.

This assignment is due by Friday by 11:59 PM ET.



The following materials will outline the structure of a discussion, how to submit and reply to a discussion posting, and how your work will be evaluated using the rubric grading tool. Please review them carefully and post any questions you have in the module Q&A discussion forum. Review the rubric carefully and contact your instructor if anything is unclear to you.






Ps: This is last week’s discussion. Please remember the task force/ role you selected last week.



How would you fit into Nanotechnology Solutions as a problem solver?

I would fit into nanotechnology Solutions as a Safety Manager. Nanoparticles are building blocks of Nanotechnology of size 100nm or less. These nanoparticles have raised safety issues and, in the future, may affect the company’s sustainable growth. I will help the company address the safety concerns as nanoparticles are toxic when exposed to portals of entry such as lungs, skin, and other distant sites. The job will be easy for me as I have adequate human health and safety knowledge. I will help the company revise its safety policies to ensure the nanoparticles are not a threat to the environment and humans.

How will you take what you know and apply it to the skills in this course?

            Having good human health and safety, I will detail risk exposures of nanomaterials such as ingestion, dermal, inhalation, and parenteral. Additionally,  explain the risks associated with nanomaterials throughout their environmental and occupational life cycle. I will also identify methods to ameliorate those hazards to ensure sustainable growth of nanotechnology in the future through the National Nanotechnology Initiative(NNI). I will weigh the risks associated with nano-products with the benefits involved and make the public aware of possible dangers since nanotechnology is not risk-free, especially in the latest technology of using small–molecule drugs for cancer treatment and development drugs.


Identify your skill-set and explain how they are transferrable and will contribute to the success of your branch company.

My human health and safety skills will play a significant role in nanotechnology connecting with other task forces. Due to the company’s innovative nature, I will liaise with different units to ensure all medicine solutions produce effective patient outcomes and n have complied with safety concerns since the government provides checks to safeguard public health.


Hodson, L., Methner, M., & Zumwalde, R. D. (2009). Approaches to safe nanotechnology; managing the health and safety concerns associated with engineered nanomaterials


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