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Describe the risks of some medications

Describe the risks of some medications

Healthcare Strategic Plan Initiative

Grand Canyon University




Healthcare Strategic Plan Initiative

Adverse Drug Events in elderly

Older people have repeatedly reported cases of adverse drug events. These problems have been presented in offices, extended care facilities, and hospitals. They are caused by diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antithrombotic medications, and antidiabetic medications (Pretorius et al., 2013). These events can be prevented through discontinuation of medications, prescription of new medications sparingly, reduction in the number of prescribers, and reconciliation of medications frequently. The plan below describes an initiative to reduce adverse drug events in the elderly.


Reduce the number of hospital admissions as a result of adverse drug events within the next 12 months

Below is a breakdown of the steps required to ensure our goal is met

Initiative Steps Budget Time Frame
Clinical decision support systems Confirm the medication history of the patient

Identify medication for deprescribing

Decide with clients (Earl et al., 2020).

Synthesize and give recommendations

$400 Six months
Interventions Education improvement

· Describe the risks of some medications

· Provide educational brochures to clients

$200 6 Months
Medication reviews by pharmacists Practice in primary care settings

· Add clinical pharmacists to do medication reviews

$2000 12 months
Medication reviews by clinicians Practice in primary care settings

· Add clinicians to do medication reviews

$2000 12 months

Organizational culture

The organization is composed of staff and administration that do not neccessarily like trying new interventions to improve patient care. The organization believes in the use of evidence-based practices to handle medical practices which is correct Potential challenges regarding this initiative will include financial problems, the permission to implement the initiatives, and the willingness of the mentioned resources to participate in the initiative.



Earl, T., Katapodis, N., & Schneiderman, S. (2020). Reducing Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults. Retrieved 14 May 2022, from .

Pretorius, R., Gataric, G., Swedlund, S., & Miller, J. (2013). Reducing the Risk of Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults. Retrieved 14 May 2022, from,%2C%20heart%20failure%2C%20and%20delirium .


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