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Describe two major B2B business models and specifically highlight how each of these models typically expects to generate revenue and earn profit.

Describe two major B2B business models and specifically highlight how each of these models typically expects to generate revenue and earn profit.

Discussion: e-Commerce Business Models


You just get home after a long day at work. You are looking to apply for a new job, as you are nearly done with your degree. You get yourself a cold drink and sit down to look at some job postings. You see one working for a huge e-Commerce company. They sell sporting goods but are expanding to clothing and shoes of all types. They have some sample job interview questions that they might ask you. The three below are sample questions. Provide an answer to each of these three questions as you would in an interview. Make sure to support business models with at least one valid scholarly source. Complete 1, 2, and 3 in your main post.

1. Identify the eight key components of e-Commerce business models.

2. Describe two major B2C business models and specifically highlight how each of these models typically expects to generate revenue and earn profit.

3. Describe two major B2B business models and specifically highlight how each of these models typically expects to generate revenue and earn profit.

When you respond to your peers, focus on the models and provide real-world examples of successful models. This is exactly what happens in the real world.


Response Parameters

Prompts for this course are not opinion questions and should, therefore, be supported with scholarly sources. You can use the textbook, but that does not count as your obtained scholarly source.

Scholarly sources should be from current peer-reviewed journal articles (published within the last 36 months) and support your content. So, one of your sources for each of your main posts needs to be published in a valid scholarly journal within the last 36 months—older will not “count” as your supporting source. However, you may include older sources, in addition to more current ones, to further support your posts.

The Proposal requires you to propose a solution that will be supported with sources, as you will be asking to be funded. The discussions allow you to practice this approach. Scholarly sources carry more weight, as they have been validated. Wikipedia, for example, is not a valid source for an academic environment.

Peer responses should also be supported with sources that can be from the textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, and other reputable sources.

· Posts should be 300 words in length

· A minimum of one obtained scholarly source is needed, and it should be included in the reference list at the end of the post

· All content from the source should be properly cited or quoted in the post, using APA or MLA format. Reminder that quoted content should make up no more than 20% of your post and should be reserved for content, such as statistics and dollar amounts. Overusing an author’s exact words, such as including block quotations to meet word counts, may lead your readers to conclude that you lack appropriate comprehension of the subject matter or that you are neither an original thinker nor a skillful writer.


Note: E-commerce can change industry structure by introducing substitute products, increasing the bargaining power of suppliers or of consumers and buyers, and by changing existing barriers to entry.  The Internet can change industry value chains insofar as suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers can interact in new and different ways. Firm value chains can be directly affected by e-commerce through its potential impact on how the business performs various business processes such as warehousing, manufacturing, sales, and customer support.


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