According to some victimology theories, just because you are a victim of a crime, doesn’t mean that you didn’t contribute to the crime. Do you think people bear some of the responsibility for their victimization if they maintain a lifestyle that contributes to the chances of becoming a crime victim? That is, should we ever “blame the victim”?
You must interact with all assigned materials, including textbooks and presentations. You must document all sources used (including textbooks and presentations) in current APA format. Please respond to at least one of your peers.
Post-First: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. This means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.
1. Answer the question.
2. Explain your answer to your peers.
Siegel, Larry J.. Criminology: The Core (p. 92). Cengage Learning. Kindle Edition.
250 words