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Explain how you would address the child and the situation. Will you use punishment in any of the situations?

Explain how you would address the child and the situation. Will you use punishment in any of the situations?

Note: While it is understood different people and even entire cultures have different parenting styles, your answers should be based on the research and theories presented in this unit.

  • Describe the stage of cognitive development of the child in each scenario.
  • Explain how you would address the child and the situation. Will you use punishment in any of the situations? What tactics would be the most useful considering your child’s level of cognitive development?

Scenario 1: Jimmy screams when the batteries die on his Avengers motorcycle. Previously, his mother had been able to put the motorcycle away and have Jimmy immediately engage in playing with something else. However, she has noticed that he is not doing that this time. He continues to scream even though the motorcycle has been put in a drawer. As his parent, how would you respond?Scenario 2: An 8-year-old boy and his 10-year-old brother are told to share three cans of soda pop. The 8-year-old becomes angry when his 10-year-old brother takes two of the cans and gives the 8-year-old only one can. The 10-year-old grabs two glasses and pours one soda into the two glasses and gives it to the 8-year-old. Everything is fine now as they both have two soda pop drinks. How do you address each child?Scenario 3: Your 21-year-old daughter comes home from college and excitedly shares that she is quitting school to invest more time in her social media career. In fact, she reveals that she will be quitting school, despite only having 1 year left to complete her bachelor’s degree. (She does not see the need for her degree any longer, as her Instagram followers have increased exponentially since she has begun doing some of the popular Tik Tok challenges.) She has decided to throw away her former career plans and become a full-time social media influencer. Now, her life is all set! (What is your reaction?)Your combined answers for each scenario must be at least 150 words, for a minimum of 450 words for the entire assignment (not including the title and reference pages).Your answers should include an insightful and thorough analysis and present a strong argument with evidence. You must use at least one source to support your analysis. This may be your textbook or another scholarly source. All sources used will be properly cited. Your case study, including all references, will be formatted in APA style.


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