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Explain in detail how you will measure the success of your MAP following implementation and how you will monitor ongoing performance to prevent regression and loss of the positive change that has taken place.

Explain in detail how you will measure the success of your MAP following implementation and how you will monitor ongoing performance to prevent regression and loss of the positive change that has taken place.

Management Action Plan (MAP): Part 5

Incrementalism relies on an advanced knowledge of a need to add to a project using many small, accurate, and incremental changes instead of undertaking a few, well-planned, large jumps.

First, you will need to decide on the sequencing of your key action steps. Start by reviewing your key action steps in Part 4. For each key action step, ask yourself what other steps must be completed before that specific action can be taken.

Next, explain the merits of incrementalism in your MAP and possible consequences if incrementalism is not utilized.

Finally, rearrange your key action steps into a sequence of ordered activity. Then, look at your plan once again. Are there any ways to simplify the plan further before presenting it?

Address accountability. For each key action step, assign a responsible party or group within your hypothetical or actual organization (by position, department, or team name—not by individual name), and assign a suspense date by which the key action steps must be completed. Then, based on all of your key action steps and the suspense dates, provide a realistic completion date for the entire MAP.

Develop measurement and monitoring. Explain in detail how you will measure the success of your MAP following implementation and how you will monitor ongoing performance to prevent regression and loss of the positive change that has taken place.

This part of the course project will be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages or material from previous project submissions. It should be organized well and contain an introduction.

At a minimum, your textbook should be used as reference material for this part of your project. You are also encouraged to use the CSU Online Library and other scholarly or reputable sources. All sources used must be cited and referenced in APA Style.

Feel free to revise previous project submissions based on your professor’s feedback. Any revisions will be also be graded in the final submission of the course project due in Unit VII.


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