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Explain the implications of the research on parental behavior and environmental factors as they relate to human personality development.

Explain the implications of the research on parental behavior and environmental factors as they relate to human personality development.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, listen to the Abumrad and Krulwich (2012) podcast  Inheritance (Links to an external site.) , and read the Hurley (2013)  Trait vs. Fate (Links to an external site.) , the Weaver et al. (2004)  Epigenetic Programming by Maternal Behavior (Links to an external site.) , and the Webster (2013) blog post  The Great Rat Mother Switcheroo (Links to an external site.) . The recommended sources for this week provide additional information on these topics that may be helpful.

In this week’s required sources, you learned that while genes have a lot to say about who we are, environmental factors, particularly parental behavior, can shape the behavior of offspring on a biochemical level. In your initial post of a minimum of 350 words,

· Briefly describe the research that has been done with rat mothers to illustrate this phenomenon. Be specific about the maternal behaviors and correlated biochemical changes to their offspring. This section demonstrates that you understand what research has been conducted and what the results mean, so be sure to go beyond quoting and paraphrasing to explain and interpret the research as you understand it.

· Explain the implications of the research on parental behavior and environmental factors as they relate to human personality development.

· Based on your understanding of the research cited in the required sources, assess the emerging field of epigenetics, explaining how it is impacting the longstanding nature versus nurture paradigm and evaluating the possible promise and risks with respect to the human experiments.

Be sure to cite all the required sources in your initial post.

Guided Response: Respond in a substantive way to at least two of your peers. Choose at least one point from your peer’s response that impacted your thinking on this subject, and explain why and how that particular comment resonated with you or caused you to think in a different way. Compare the implications for human personality development identified by your peers to those you identified, and suggest alternative conclusions where appropriate. Challenge ideas with which you disagree, and support your arguments.


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