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Force Generation Briefing

Force Generation Briefing

Assignment: Force Generation Briefing


This brief target ELOs 400-SMC-1011.3.2 (F301: Range of Military Operations (ROMO)), 400-SMC-1011.3.5 (F304: Unit Status Reporting), 400-SMC-1011.3.6 (F305: Global Mobility), and 400-SMC-1011.3.7 (F306: Train and Deploy the Brigade)


Assignment Instructions: This is a military information briefing, not a reading. The presentation will be 15 minutes (+/- 2). Presentation will consist of 6 to 10 slides in PowerPoint (including Title Slide, Agenda, Conclusion, & References). Students may use up to two other visual aids such as maps and diagrams if desired.



(F301) Military Engagement, Security Cooperation, and Deterrence. These ongoing activities establish, shape, maintain, and refine relations with other nations and domestic civil authorities. The general strategic and operational objective is to protect US interests at home and abroad.


Briefing must answer/address these questions/statements:


(F305) As a Sergeant major it is important to have a grasp of how integrating the capabilities of both inter-theater and intra-theater common-user mobility assets. This is only gained by having analyzed the air, land, and sea transportation planning in support of the Range of Military Operations.


(F304) A key element of meeting global requirements to support the ROM is having analyzed the air, land, and sea transportation planning. This coupled with accurate USR reporting to develop a viable RSOI plan to support a wide contingency of operations.


Explain the personnel and medical readiness deployability standards and understood how to apply organizational training to support the deployment process and RSOI operations (F306).

Assignment: Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in F301, F304, F305, and F306; utilizing key language and terms from these concepts and theories,


Present an oral presentation that highlights and explains the Range of Military Operations (ROMO) (F301). In your briefing ensure you link ROMO to global mobility (F305) and the implication /importance of Unit Status Reporting (USR) (F304) to help finalize the RSOI process to train and deploy the brigade (F306).


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