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How many groups have been targeted for genocidal war in this country in the last ten years?

How many groups have been targeted for genocidal war in this country in the last ten years?



Do some REAL WORLD research on the migration crisis in the USA right now. The southern border is a porous mess with an estimated 500,000 people arriving in the next few months, and all legal constraints potentially disappearing in the next few days, but uncounted thousands more are crossing in from Canada, and the Bahamas, in addition, thousands upon thousands who is arrive on a tourist, student, worker, or exchange visa are not necessarily planning on going home. Also add in the annual legal immigration numbers and the thousands in the already massive asylum queue, plus hundreds of thousands of special Afghanistan refugees and now 100,000 Ukrainians….. What is going on and why?


What is the problem, why is it important, can you verify at least 3-5 estimates of the total numbers? Can you find a real estimate?


What do you think will be the impact on our country and you?


Use credible sources but do look at some of the alarmist and apologist viewpoints, and media sources. Evaluate them, know their biases, use your skills to really try to figure this out. A couple of pictures and UP TO THE MINUTE data analysis, sources etc. you should peruse foreign news sources such as DW.DE and as well as the Russian Times, and al jazerra or sources from China, India, and Africa if you wish…to see their slant on the issues as well as the mainstream USA media, CNN, MSNBC FOXnews Breitbart.


PART 2: United Nations Millennium Goals Exploration


Your exploration assignment will take you to the heart of the United Nations Efforts to achieve sustainable development on a global scale.


1. Peruse this document overview. See what interests you.


2. Then go to the United Nations website


3. More specifically: Pick one of the Millennial Goals (On the website they are in red along the right side) and read their fact sheet summary.


4. Briefly summarize the progress on the goal (do they say they are meeting the goals?) and give an example of one program or project they have instituted.


PART 3: Geocache


1. In your own words briefly summarize what is happening in the country of Ethiopia, province of Tigre. Issues, key players, likely outcomes. How is this related to sovereignty?


2. How many groups have been targeted for genocidal war in this country in the last ten years?


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