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How would using a framework like COBIT help enhance the concerns for managing an IT infrastructure and enforcing best practices?

How would using a framework like COBIT help enhance the concerns for managing an IT infrastructure and enforcing best practices?

Post 1 by Mubbasher Hasham


Summary of IT Governance

In order to achieve the organization’s goals, IT governance enables efficient and effective decision making, supporting investment and use of IT through leadership and structure. It directs, monitors and evaluates the use of IT in achieving plans using IT policies and strategies. It assists the customer through lessons learned and provides improvements and feedback for governing IT investments through best practices in the federal government. It helps mitigate IT risks and generates business value when making IT investments.

Uses of COBIT in Managing an IT Infrastructure

COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology and is a framework created by the ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) for IT governance and management (Simplilearn, 2022). The advantages of using COBIT are:

· It is a supportive tool providing a guideline to managers to ensure reliability, control and quality of IT in an organization.

· It organizes the goals of IT governance.

· It assigns responsibilities, plans and monitors the IT processes.

· It optimizes risk levels by creating optimal value to help enterprises.

· It provides an accurate assessment of the impact of IT risks on the business.

Another Governance Framework

Another IT governance framework apart from COBIT could be ITIL. ITIL stands for Information Technology Infrastructure Library and is a framework designed to manage an organization’s IT services using a set of best practices, planning, and selection, across the entire lifecycle (Simplilearn, 2022). ITIL is a framework for improving IT services through planning and best practices whereas COBIT is a set of guidelines for improving IT governance. ITIL focuses more on management of IT services for improving the decision making. On the other hand, COBIT focuses on governance of IT services for managing IT services, risks and resources.

Lean IT Governance Practices V/S Standard Governance Framework

Lean governance is the leadership, organizational structures and streamlined processes to enable everyone to work together effectively in sustaining and extending the organization’s ability to produce meaningful value for its customers (Newton, 2022). It allows an organization to spend wisely and motivates people to work efficiently. The teams are governed at appropriate organizational levels to mitigate and monitor the risk enabling them to work collaboratively. On the other hand, standard governance practices as per ISO 38500:2015 are planning and supporting an organization by establishing responsibilities and ensuring conformance and performance when required. ISO/IEC 38500:2015 provides guiding principles for members of governing bodies of organizations (which can comprise owners, directors, partners, executive managers, or similar) on the effective, efficient, and acceptable use of information technology (IT) within their organizations (Dolf, 2018).

Change and Improvement in the Governance Program in Accordance With the Current Governance Frameworks

In accordance with the current governance framework, some of the improvements and changes that need to be made are modifying the plan when an organization is suffering a lack of diversity and experiencing a bottom-line issue. It is crucial in devoting adequate time to appoint board members who have industry knowledge and skills to assist the board and evaluate their performance. The governance program should include strategies for prioritizing risk management and ensuring timely information.


Simplilearn. (2022, March 8). What is COBIT?: Framework, components, and benefits. 

Simplilearn. (2022, January 13). Cobit vs. ITIL®: The ultimate IT governance framework comparison. 

Newton. (2022). Introduction to disciplined agile® (DA™) –

Dolf, V. der H. (2018). A guide to Iso/Iec 38500:2015 governance of It. ITSM Press.





















Post 2 by Hanuma


Provide a summary of IT governance and the use of COBIT. How would using a framework like COBIT help enhance the concerns for managing an IT infrastructure and enforcing best practices? Can you identify another governance framework and compare it to COBIT?

IT governance is about having leadership in the structures and processes that help in decision making and ensures that the infrastructure meets the strategies and objectives. COBIT helps streamline the information sharing systems in an organization it also helps in reaching the company’s goals by utilizing IT into the company strategies. It also allows the organization to have more security and risk management. Another governance framework is the ITIL framework. One of the main differences comes in their perspectives. COBIT uses a top down approach whereas ITIL uses the bottom up approach. Also, COBIT describes the ‘what’ in an organization while ITIL is more focused on the ‘how’ management can navigate governance.  Compare and contrast lean IT governance practices to those of a standard governance framework.

With the standard governance framework there is more focus on the command and control and a document-based approach. Most of the employees are expected to adhere to corporate standards and to follow the set protocols. Also after completing their projects they need to go through due process and show their work to the authorized people to get a greenlight. On the other hand, Lean IT governances take a light approach and are more focused on motivating and providing a conducive environment for the professionals to thrive. In this approach, the focus is put on risk mitigation and by leading and not commanding the employees.

Considering the current governance frameworks, discuss change and improvement in the governance program, such as key points when the plan should be modified.

Some of the key changes include how most companies are directing their efforts at providing a conducive environment. Creating a workplace that allows people to thrive is more beneficial and bears better results. Moreover, it creates an easy atmosphere and once the employees are comfortable they can put all their efforts on looking at the best ways to complete their tasks. Now there is also room for innovation as employees are not restricted to the guidelines and processes in an organization. The plan should be modified when results indicate that there needs to be a change especially before a company embarks on a big project.


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