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How you will apply what you have learned to upgrade current waste management practices

How you will apply what you have learned to upgrade current waste management practices

1. The CSU Widget Factory has been experiencing an increase in back and shoulder injuries due to manual lifting of boxes in the warehouse. You have observed that the workers may not understand the importance of body mechanics when lifting a load. Prepare a paragraph that explains how to lift a load properly, including a discussion of the forces on various parts of the body when lifting is done incorrectly. As an additional illustration, calculate and compare the load moment for lifting a 12-pound electrical motor held close to the body with the load moment for lifting the same motor held 20 inches from the body. Show all calculations. should be a minimum of 200 words in length


2. Based on your recent analysis of injuries related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) at the CSU Widget Factory, your boss wants to try to reduce the amount of manual material handling, especially in the warehouse. Using the hierarchy of controls, propose at least five control measures that would help reduce the amount of manual lifting and/or reduce the likelihood of injuries caused by manual lifting. Explain clearly how each of these proposed controls would reduce the risk of injury, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and what new hazards, if any, might be created if the control is implemented. should be a minimum of 500 words in length


3. Your analysis of injuries at the CSU Widget Factory has revealed that 98 employees were required to take time off last year due to issues related to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), mostly back and shoulder injuries. Discuss a variety of strategies that can be used to identify operations or processes with the potential to create or aggravate MSDs. Keep in mind that employees do not always recognize MSD symptoms as work-related, and may also be reluctant to report symptoms. There is no need to propose solutions—we are just trying to identify the sources of the problems. should be a minimum of 500 words in length.



4. In this class, you have learned about many scenarios related to the generation of hazardous wastes, about the standard practices and technologies used to manage these wastes, and about the regulatory structure that has been put in place to address hazardous wastes that are abandoned in the environment. As you look to your current or future employment, record how you will apply what you have learned to upgrade current waste management practices or how you will apply the key principles that you have learned in a future position where you are involved with the management of hazardous wastes. entry must be at least 200 words


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