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Identifying specific manufacturers and models for pre-preparation final preparation and ware-washing equipment.

Identifying specific manufacturers and models for pre-preparation final preparation and ware-washing equipment.


For the first phase of your project, you will need to define your project.  The primary element for this milestone is the drafting of a Concept Statement. The concept statement will include the following information;

· Describe the type of operation in relation to common food service concepts

· Identify the target market

· identify type of cuisine

· identify location

· identify competition

· explain/support decisions to serve that cuisine in that location

· Determine permits that may be needed and their costs

· Determine design professionals and contractors you will seek to hire and justify

· Highlight key menu items at least 5 signature entress that will affect layout or equipment necessary

· Discuss how pricing will be established

· List the days and hours of operation or explain any variation from the traditional model

· Determine approximate number of employees; total and by job role

· Determine the capacity (number of seats) and justify your decision based on expected seat turnover rates

· Indicate whether there will be a bar (and its capacity) and explain decision

· Describe the mode of service

· Discuss planned production approaches (cook to order, scratch versus convenience foods)

· Determine if baking will be performed on-site and assess needs if so

· Indicate how soiled dishes and utensils will be handled (cleared by servers; self-bussing, etc.)




The next part of the project will focus on specific areas of the concept, such as describing the menu, describing functional areas, and determining relevant data for the facilities.  You will need to use provided resources for overall project as well as describing specific areas. Necessary files are linked and found under “Resources” on class website navigation menu.  These forms should be presented as  appendices  in your submitted document.  Each worksheet will be presented in dedicated appendix, shown in sequence as Appendix A, Appendix B, and so on until complete.  Appendices follow the reference list in APA format.  Content related to a worksheet should annotate the relevant appendix.

Example: “The design worksheet in appendix A shows that 20% of the total square footage will be used for the bar.”

· Facilities design: ACTION PLAN –  Facility Design Worksheet

· Each functional area: ACTION PLAN –  Foodservice Facilities Program Worksheet

The content of the writing will provide an analysis of the data presented as well as justification for decisions or claims being made.  The content of the writing will also need to explain decisions made within context of the planning process, such as identifying what needed to be decided first or what decisions affected other aspects of the planning process.

The project planning analysis will need to include the following elements;

· Compile operational data [Use facility design worksheet]

· Menu development.

· Your base menu must identify at least five [5] “signature” entrées that will affect layout or necessary equipment.

· Discuss intended prices for these items.

· Justify prices with a discussion of your food costs.

· Estimate your projected sales and expenses for this menu.

· Develop a Foodservice Facilities Program [Use foodservice facilities design worksheet]

· Create a bubble diagram or flow chart to show how the areas relate to each other

· Facility layout

· On computer or on 24-by-36-inch graph paper, create a layout of the proposed facility, both front and back of house. (Check out: )

· Define scale

· Begin by deciding the broad outlines of such areas as entrance(s), dining space, kitchen, bar, restrooms, storage spaces Be sure to show all doors, windows, aisles and enclosed spaces Show locations of all drains and the grease interceptor (trap). Show electrical outlets and direct electrical connections, particularly in the kitchen

As with phase one, the above elements do not represent the framework or outline of the writing. These are only elements that must be addressed as if presenting to investors or partners.







Having defined a portion of your menu and space allocation, you will now determine the equipment the operation will need.  This part of the project involves two parts:

1. Preparing a list [8-12] of the equipment necessary for your planned facility

2. Identifying specific manufacturers and models for pre-preparation, final preparation, and ware-washing equipment.

For part one, you will create a partial list of equipment for your planned facility.  The equipment list should be based on your menu and anticipated demand for various food items. Specify and explain how menu items will be related to specific equipment. You may need to also determine spacing and discuss how principles of design will affect equipment layout. Ease of Sanitation and Ease of Supervision are examples.

For part two, you will use the Internet and vendor websites to identify specific manufacturers and models of equipment used within pre-preparation, final preparation, and ware-washing. By exploring the manufacturer’s web sites, you can select the specific models you desire for your project. The writing should present cost comparisons for comparing and selecting the right equipment for your project.


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