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In Julia Ott’s piece what was the importance of the category of “chattel” that allowed for capital accumulation to expand at an unprecedented rate?

In Julia Ott’s piece what was the importance of the category of “chattel” that allowed for capital accumulation to expand at an unprecedented rate?

5/9/22, 1:28 AM Reading Assignment Questions: Week 3 1/2

Reading Assignment Questions: Week 3

Due Apr 16 by 11:59pm Points 2 Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

Week 3 Reading Assignment Questions

Provide substantive answers in your own words (as best as you can) to the following questions. You must provide page number references for where you got your answers from the texts. Remember to look over the Reading Assignment Rubric before answering the questions:

1. In Alasdair MacIntyre’s piece, what are the four problems in the way modern society is structured? 2. In light of these problems, how does MacIntyre suggest that his example of a community planning to

build a school is revolutionary? 3. Briefly list the main problems Martha Nussbaum gives for each of the three different approaches to

distribution—the resource-based approaches, the preference-based approaches, and rights-based approaches.

4. In the piece by Carolyn Merchant, what was the “organic worldview” prior to our modern times and what kinds of ethical relations to the earth did it foster?

5. According to Merchant, describe the energy sources and ultimate purpose of production in the organic worldview of premodern economies and then describe what kind of production replaced it— according to its differing energy sources and ultimate purpose—as trade expanded throughout modern Western Europe?

6. In Julia Ott’s piece what was the importance of the category of “chattel” that allowed for capital accumulation to expand at an unprecedented rate?

7. Prior to racialized ideologies on the basis of skin color how does Ott characterize social relations between African slaves and poor European wage workers and why did this relationship become a problem for the ruling class? What does she suggest as to when, how, and why racial ideologies were constructed and implemented within capitalist colonization?

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5/9/22, 1:28 AM Reading Assignment Questions: Week 3 2/2

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