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Is man fundamentally good or do he consider the dark sides of him?

Is man fundamentally good or do he consider the dark sides of him?

Within Judaism, there is a bright and positive view of man. To live as a good Jew means to strive to become the best person you can become according to your conditions, not only for your own sake but for all of humanity. What are your thoughts on the inner nature of man? Is man fundamentally good or do he consider the dark sides of him? Elaborate your answer.



To live as a Jew

1. How do the religious commandments shape Jewish life? Give examples.

2. Dress code.

a. Give examples of dress code in Judaism.

b. Compare the dress code for women and men.

c. What is tallit and tefillin? When are these used?


3. Food rules The Jewish food regulations are strict with the aim of counteracting deeper social contact with non-Jews. Since the 200s BC. Jewish scribes interpreted in Tanakh in three separate places the recurring prohibition “thou shalt not boil the kid in its mother’s milk” as indications of three distinct prohibitions, namely against: -preparing meat and dairy products together, -eating a dish that consists of a mixture of these, -do any benefit or gain from such a mixture. The really strict Jews distinguish between plates and cutlery that have been in contact with dairy and meat products, respectively. Food that is cooked correctly is called kosher food.

a. Explain what is meant by kosher food.

b. Compare the rules of food in Judaism and Islam. What are the similarities and differences?


4. Religious holidays One of the most important festivals of Judaism is the Passover (Jewish Passover). It is a reminder of the joy of liberation from oppression in Egypt. Other festivals are shavout, suckot, rosh hashana and yom kippur.

a. Explain the similarities and differences between the Jewish Passover (Passover) and the Christian Passover celebration.

b. Why do the Jews celebrate rosh hashana, shavout, suckot, purimfest and yom kippur?



Specializations in Judaism

What do Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Orthodox Judaism and Ultra-Orthodox Judaism mean?


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