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List the type of Risks associated with Engineering Projects.

List the type of Risks associated with Engineering Projects.

Each discussion required 1 page text and at least 2 references


Discussion – 1


Discuss: Risk Analysis in Engineering (Read article on: Applying Importance Measures to Risk Analysis in Engineering Project Using a Risk Network Model)

1. Create a thread, analyze the article on: Applying Importance Measures to Risk Analysis in Engineering Project Using a Risk Network Model.

2. List the type of Risks associated with Engineering Projects.

3. Please enter the discussion topic as the Subject.

4. Copy and paste the subject of your post at the start of each discussion post.


Discussion – 2


How are controlled psychological experiments and usability tests used in the evaluation process of user interfaces? Be sure to include the benefits and limitations of each. Also include discussion of the practitioner’s summary and the researcher’s agenda.

Answer the question with a single page, between 200 and 250 words. Reply to at least one other student with a substantive reply of 50 words.  Count the words only in the body of your response, not the references.  APA formatting but do not include a title page, abstract or table of contents. Body and references only in your post. No images or tables are allowed.  Do not quote your sources, no copy and paste is allowed.  Paraphrase your sources only.

Remember that when you state a fact if you don’t provide a reference, it is not a fact but rather an opinion.

Threads posted after the due date will not be graded.

Required:  Post once to present your hypothesis then comment on at least one other post.  Feel free to disagree but no flames, disagree with class and professional diction.  Disagree with their hypothesis or statements but do not disagree with them as a person.

Required:  If you write your post in a separate document, copy and paste the words you wrote into the forum.  Do not provide a link to the document where you created your post.  A link to another document will not be accepted.


Discussion – 3


Examining the success of video games can provide insight for interface designers. Explain how you, as a designer, can use the interface in videogames to design an interface for another purpose such as a check in kiosk at a hospital.  Explain the limitations of trying to equate the two interfaces.

Answer the question with a single page, between 200 and 250 words. Reply to at least one other student with a substantive reply of 50 words.  Count the words only in the body of your response, not the references.  APA formatting but do not include a title page, abstract or table of contents. Body and references only in your post. No images or tables are allowed.  Do not quote your sources, no copy and paste is allowed.  Paraphrase your sources only.

Remember that when you state a fact if you don’t provide a reference, it is not a fact but rather an opinion.

Threads posted after the due date will not be accepted.

Required:  Post once to present your hypothesis then comment on at least one other post.  Feel free to disagree but no flames, disagree with class and professional diction.  Disagree with their hypothesis or statements but do not disagree with them as a person.

Required:  If you write your post in a separate document, copy and paste the words you wrote into the forum.  Do not provide a link to the document where you created your post.  A link to another document will not be accepted.


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