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sensory elements of visual media communication to attract viewer attention.

sensory elements of visual media communication to attract viewer attention.

Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    Identify and create sensory elements of visual media communication to attract viewer attention.

    Student Success Criteria
    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.

    You are a member of a committee at your child’s school. The committee has been assigned the task to design a flyer for the students to take home to their parents. The purpose of the flyer is to notify parents about the upcoming Field Day for all students. They have specified that it can only be one-page in length, and they have encouraged creativity to catch the eyes of the parents.

    Several parents wish to participate, so the leader of the committee creates a fun flyer competition. She asks that each person creates his/her own flyer and create a screen share to persuade the committee to choose your flyer. The screen share should visually show the flyer and include a verbal explanation regarding why your flyer will best attract the eyes of the parents.

    Since you are extremely creative, you know that in order to capture the parents’ attention and win this competition, you will need to use color, lines, balance, and contrast visual elements.

    In your video presentation, be sure to defend your visual choices to the other parents and members of the committee. You know that if you clearly explain why you chose each of these visual elements and how it best attracts the eyes of the parents, you could win this fun competition!

    Your presentation should be a maximum of 5 minutes.

    The presentation must include a visual and an audio recording using Screencast-O-Matic®, a free audio recording software compatible with PC and MAC computers. Follow these instructions to download and use this software to create your presentation.

    1. Access the Screencast-O-Matic® homepage by clicking on the box in the upper right-hand corner titled, “Sign Up” to create your free account.
    2. Create a free account (be sure to write down the email and password created for account access.)
    3. Once logged in, click on the “Tutorials” link at the top of the homepage and view Recorder Intros.
    4. Create your presentation by clicking on the “Start Recorder” box.
    5. Once finished recording click on the “Done” button.
    6. Next, choose, “Upload to Screencast-O-Matic®”.
    7. Select “Publish”.
    8. Choose “Copy Link”.
    9. Provide the “Link” by adding it to the deliverable dropbox.
    10. Resources


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