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 Should counties be given home rule powers in order to provide improved services and programs to citizens?

 Should counties be given home rule powers in order to provide improved services and programs to citizens?

Instruction: Each person should create their own tread first, and respond to at  least 4 classmates threads . Respond with 100 word each to the classmate




Student Name: Layla Allen 

Topic: Should counties be given home rule powers in order to provide improved services and programs to citizens? Why would the Texas state legislature and particular powerful economic interest groups be reluctant to grant home-rule powers to Texas counties?

Home rule can give a lot of power to local leaders or the loudest voices without much oversight from the state. Home rule could also make it harder to address issues that affect a wider region. Neighboring municipalities are bound by their own home rule charters and aren’t required to cooperate with other local governments. Simply put, home rule allows a municipality much more freedom to self-govern, which in turn can be empowering for citizens. It also limits interference from state legislation, beneficial on the state-level because it frees up the General Assembly to focus on statewide issues. It can be a way to address financial difficulties, as home rule allows a municipality to raise taxes. I believe the Texas state legislature and economic interest groups would be reluctant because of narrow interest, secret communications with officials, and corruption or intimidation of public officials would all play a negative part in the decision. In addition, the situation that exists when a legislature, bureaucrat, executive, official or judge is in a position that might result in personal economic benefit advantage.


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Student Name: Hannah Murdock 

Topic: Should counties be given home rule powers in order to provide improved services and programs to citizens? Why would the Texas state legislature and particular powerful economic interest groups be reluctant to grant home-rule powers to Texas counties?

Bigger cities tend to want to be home rule cities because it will make the challenges of growth easier. Texas has a lot of big cities with alot of people who are all about having as much personal citizen freedoms. The home rule would allow them to vote on issues and have a bigger impact. An advantage of the home rule is that it lets the local political group have more freedom from the supervision of the state and their interference. However, I think the Texas state legislature would be hesitant to grant the home rule to counties because  it would make region-wide problems more difficult by giving the local groups or governments the ability to choose to not participate. The shift of power could also make voting go in a different direction than the before really powerful interest groups want it to go. I personally think that size and population matters. If a county is particularly large then it should be given home rule powers.

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Student Name: Ashtion Muhammed 

Topic: Should counties be given home rule powers in order to provide improved services and programs to citizens? Why would the Texas state legislature and particular powerful economic interest groups be reluctant to grant home-rule powers to Texas counties?

Yes, I believe that to some extent counties should be given home rule power to provide improved services and programs to their citizens. This allows the local interest groups  to elevate their freedom from supervision and interference. This helps each county build their structural  and functional power. Allowing the counties to self-govern and protect their citizens public health, safety, and welfare. However, per the chapter, although county home rule can better meet the community demands, it has the ability to also extend county spending.  The Texas state legislature and  powerful economic interest groups  would be reluctant to grant home-rule powers to Texas counties because it would prevent certain decision making and public policies of the state from formulating. That could possibly limit mutual investments, capital contribution, and marketing and business services.

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Student Name: Abigail Venegas 

Topic: Should counties be given home rule powers in order to provide improved services and programs to citizens? Why would the Texas state legislature and particular powerful economic interest groups be reluctant to grant home-rule powers to Texas counties?

I believe it depends on how big the population of the location is, such as the states that have big cities of populations would need home rule powers to provide to its citizens. For instance, everything is bigger in Texas, the city of Dallas can’t provide necessary needs for its citizens, with resources, programs, and supplies. Within, having a home rule the citizen’s voices will be heard, and select what is best for them. In discussion of why state legislature and powerful economic interest groups were reluctant to grant home-rule power to Texas because there is a chance, local government would take advantage of its power. Also, not many citizens would vote for home rule and will need a population of more than 5,000 people and if it does not meet the qualifications, it will be declined.


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